Chapter 16 (Mitchell)

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"Alexander West!?" I exclaim as I bump shopping carts with my coworker at Walmart. He brings his finger to his lips to shush me. How rude, I didn't even say anything!

"Found him!" Lilla appears at one end of the medicine aisle, followed by Jason.

I'm not committing a crime! I'm just buying Liam's allergy medicine! The pathetic Narnian couldn't come to get it himself.

"Stop right there, West!" Jason orders.

"Watch my cart!" Alexander instructs me and takes off in a sprint with Jason and Lilla chasing after him.

Ah, so they're after him. Now, which brand did Liam tell me to get? It's hard to understand him with that funny accent he has.

Just as I think I've figured it out, I spot Garfield pushing a shopping cart past my aisle. Ryan and Cade are sitting in the basket. Wow. I make awkward eye contact with Garfield, and he freezes, turning redder by the second.

"Great!" Ryan exclaims after a few minutes. Cade is practically sitting on his lap. "Now you're in just as deep as we are!"

"I was just buying-" I begin.

"What are you doing here at eleven at night?" Garfield interrupts me. "That's sketchy." He adds.

"I could say the same for you!" I say defensively. "And I was just-"

"STRIPED FEDORA AT SEVEN O'CLOCK!" This time, Cade is the one who interrupts me. Garfield starts pushing the cart in that direction and is running. That must be hard; he's gotta push like a hundred pounds.

I turn my attention back to the allergy medicines. Alexander is all of the sudden back.

"Thanks for watching my cart!" He says and disappears with the cart.

"HE TRICKED US!" I hear Lilla scream from somewhere in the store. Why can't I have one normal night? Jason is sprinting past me. I grab his arm to stop him.

"What are you doing?" He exclaims, outraged. "I need to help your ex-girlfriend!"

"What's going on?" I ask desperately.

"Alexander West has a side job at Venables, and we need to confront him," Jason explains.

"Is it wrong for him to have another job?" I ask nervously, thinking about my other job, which is babysitting the Thompson kids.

Jason is speechless. He just blinks at me.

"Gotcha there!" I say, smirking. Jason wrenches his arm away from me and takes off.

"Get back here, you chicken!" I yell as I run after him, leaving my mostly empty cart behind.

He eventually slows to stop, and I accidentally slam him into a shelf. Hard. He turns around to face me and holds up his glasses. They've been snapped in half!

Just then, Garfield pushes the shopping cart by us. We stare for a second.

"SHAWN MENDES!" Ryan screeches and leans over too far, and the cart topples over.

"Ouch!" Exclaims Cade, rubbing his elbow. Amazingly, his cowboy hat is still on his head.

"Why!?" Garfield cries.

"Can I get your autograph?" Asks Ryan, crawling over to us.

"Speaking of autographs," says Cade, sitting next to the fallen shopping cart. He looks up at Garfield. "Can I get your autograph, Spiderman?"

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