Chapter 12 (Lilla)

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Life isn't looking too good.

"You aren't over, Mitchell."

"Says who?" I scoff.

"I think we should break up," Justin says as we stand in the kitchen. The trails of people swarming around us turn into one giant blur. He can't be serious! We just reached a week!

"You're joking," I reply, staring at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not," he informs me, his brown eyes hardening.

He walks away. I slam my fist into the cupboard above me. Ow! I wince and shake out my hand to help with the pain. Jason passes by me and presses a bag of ice into my uninjured hand. He saw. Oh, this is so humiliating.

"Well, that stinks," says Journey, crossing over to me.

"How do you know?" I ask, surprised. It only happened like ten seconds ago.

"Lilla, gossip spreads like wildfire around here. No one can keep a secret!" She pats me on the arm and takes the pizza tray that Marco hands her.

I rush out of Walrus Pizza as soon as my shift is up. I bump into Zach on my way to my Volkswagen.

"Did you drive here?" I ask, forgetting for a moment that Zach and I aren't on speaking terms.

I'm not on speaking terms with a lot of people right now. Zach glances at the car behind him.

"No! Ron drove me. If I can help it, I'll never need to drive." He tells me and runs inside Walrus Pizza. As much as I dislike that boy, he is destined to do great things someday. Great things.


It's been three days since Garfield and I broke up. I often find myself wondering if it was all just a dream.

"We need more breadsticks at table four!" Says Journey, hurrying into the kitchen.

"Since when do we have breadsticks?" I ask, handing her a basket.

"Since three days ago," says Michael Wood, raising his eyebrows.

"What?" I reply.

"Someone's been off in their own little world!" Teases Spencer.

"I don't get it," says little Cade, sitting next to the oven. That's not the safest idea.

"Cade!" Kate shrieks, sprinting into the kitchen. "I told you not to sit up there!"

"Sorry, Aunt Katie," Cade apologizes. "It just smells mighty fine over here. Mighty fine!"

Speaking of which, I need to check if Jacob cleaned the bathroom. He's a fifteen-year-old employee from Pizza Mart who has constantly ignored my requests. If that bathroom is not clean this time, I will have to let him go.

"Excuse me," a customer stops me. "Sorry to bother you, but the restroom is disgusting." She informs me. Jacob's leaving.

"No problem!" I reply, "Thank you for telling me!"

Luckily, I spot Jacob as soon as the girl walks away.

"Get over here!" I snap at him. He points to himself and looks confused. "Yes, you!" I beckon.
"I told you to clean the bathroom!"

"That's a gross job!" Jacob says stubbornly.

"If you can't do the responsibilities I assign you, then I'm going to have to relieve you from your occupation here," I say, but Jacob doesn't seem to understand.

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