Chapter 3 (Lilla)

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I finish doing my makeup right as my friend, Megan, pulls up in her red Toyota Corolla. I would be driving myself, but my dad decided to take my Beetle into the shop for an oil change today.

"Thanks for taking me," I say as I hop into the passenger seat.

"No problem! It's too bad that Mitchell couldn't take you. Why did he break up with you again?" Megan replies. Mitchell and I had ended our relationship a week ago.

"Because he doesn't like it when I dress up as a Russian spy, and I refused to stop, so he dumped me," I tell her. We dated for about nine months, and he, of course, ends it right before graduation.

"Well, you don't deserve him, Lilla, and Michael and I broke up a week before you guys did, and trust me, it'll get better." She assures me.

"Easy for you to say. You guys broke up on good terms." I respond. Megan continues to try to comfort me until we arrive at the school.


After school, I head over to Walrus Pizza, which has replaced Walrus Hut. After the announcement from Mr. Hayes, my fellow coworkers are very excited, especially Bridget.

"This is SO exciting! I've never been to Canada before." Says Bridget.

"Toronto isn't in Canada," Ryan replies confidently.

I decide to ignore him. I push past them to the kitchen, which Marco has completely taken over since we joined forces with Pizza Mart. He and Mitchell are always on different shifts for this reason, and I've been purposely placing myself on Marco's shifts recently so I won't have to talk to my ex.

"Is everyone working?" I ask Marco suspiciously.

"Yep, well, except Justin. He had a valid excuse, though." He replies.

"What was the excuse?" I question.

"He had to take some selfies outside for his Instagram."

"WHAT!?" Everyone around me stops talking. I have to find Garfield.

"He's outside," says Journey, sounding annoyed. I would be annoyed, too, if I had a brother like that.

I walk out the door and see two figures right outside Old Navy. I run over there, and just as I suspected, Garfield is one of the people. The other is Jason.

"Give me your phone!" Jason orders.

"No way! Do you know how many followers I have?" Garfield shrieks.

"I don't care! I am sick and tired of your bratty attitude!" Yells Jason.

"Well, I'm sick and tired of you having a problem with my popularity!" Garfield yells back, and Jason continues to hold out his hand.

Fire him! Fire him! I chant in my mind.

"That's it!" Says Jason. Yes! "I'm unfollowing you!" What?

"No, dude, please don't do that. Please!" Garfield begs. I decide to step in.

"I want you both back at Walrus Pizza. NOW!" I say sternly. They hurry over there, and I feel very accomplished. Once we're inside, JJ talks to us while I make a cold drink for myself.

"Hey, so are you guys ready for the play or what?" Right. That stupid Twilight play is Thursday night.

"Are you going to pay for that?" Ryan asks me.

"Sure," I say, grabbing a straw. Ryan doesn't look convinced

"Of course I'm ready," Justin declares to JJ, "I was born to do this! Unlike Lilla."

A chorus of "Ooohhhhh!" follows from everyone in the kitchen. He did not just do that! I am going to kill him! But not yet. I smile sweetly at him and sip the drink I just made. Then I walk over to Chet and help him clear dishes off of a table.

"Chet, I need your help,"

"I'm listening," he replies.

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