Chapter 13 (Mitchell)

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Marco needs a frozen yogurt. Luckily, there's a place across the street.

"Why are we doing this?" Asks Ryan.

"Why are you, of all people questioning it?" I ask him as we follow Marco inside.

"Because I always ask for frozen yogurts! And everyone ignores me!" Ryan explains. I don't respond.

"No!" Marco screams. The line is super long.

"Shush!" Says an old lady from a faraway table.

"She needs to mind her own business," I say, gesturing to the lady.

"Oh! A nickel!" Marco bends down to pick it up. A little girl starts tugging on Marco's pants.

"Mister! That's my nickel!" The kid tells Marco.

"Haha, that's too bad," Marco laughs and pockets the coin. I discreetly kick Marco in the back of his leg.

"Quit it!" I whisper. The last thing we need is the kid's parents getting mad at us. Marco gives the kid her coin.

"What a jerk," Ryan mutters as the kid walks away.

"She probably needs it more than I do," Marco says cheerfully. "That's the only explanation!"

He's probably right. How long will I have to wait in line for Marco's frozen treat?

"Stupid line!" I yell, accidentally. A few people stare at me.

"So, what flavor are you getting?" Ryan is asking Marco.

"Glad you asked!" Marco replies and proceeds to make a little speech about his choice.

"Why isn't the line moving!?" I say in a desperate tone.

"What an impatient runt," I hear a girl behind me say. "Let's leave."

The other girls around her nod, and they disappear out the door. It's the same girls from last week! Not again!

"Ouch!" Ryan exclaims, and I give him a questioning look.

"I think someone stepped on my foot," he explains.

"Or worse," Marco adds.

"What could be worse than that?" I ask.

"What are you guys doing here?" It's Ryan's little sister, Julie. She's standing next to us, holding a bowl of frozen yogurt! And Cade is standing next to her with a cone of frozen yogurt!

"What are you doing here?" Ryan responds sharply.

"Spencer dumped Cade on me, so I decided that instead of being bored, we should get froyo." She explains. "With Cade's money, of course." She adds.

"Anything for a mighty fine girl like you," Cade tells Julie, giving her a loving glance.

"Gross!" I say.

"She's the most mighty fine girl I've ever met," Cade informs us.

"She's thirteen!" Ryan exclaims.

"Older than you!" Julie retorts. "Besides, there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm taking advantage of it."

"What mighty fine place are you taking us to next?" Cade asks Julie. I'm serious; that kid cannot say one sentence that does not include the phrase "mighty fine."

"Spencer, better pay me for this," Julie mutters as Cade leads her out the door. The three of us continue to wait in line. Marco starts to chuckle.

"What?" I ask him.

"That guy has a bit of a gut," Marco says, giggling a pointing to the man in front of us who has a considerably large stomach. The guy turns around.

"What did you say?" He's cross-eyed and has a dazed smile on his face.

"I said," Marco begins. What is he doing? "That you have a bit of a gut." Marco finishes.

"Marco!" Ryan and I exclaim.

"Oh," says the guy, still wearing the dazed smile. "Okay."

He turns back to face the front of the line. I shrug it off; I've seen weirder.

Marco finally gets his frozen yogurt, and we're walking back to Walrus Pizza. Ryan taps me and points to his left. I follow his gaze to the gleaming entrance of Guitar Center.

"Go ahead, Marco," I tell the froyo-eating chef.

"We'll catch up," Ryan assures him. We then rush over to the store.

There are beautiful instruments everywhere.

"Electric guitars!" I squeal, and Ryan follows me to a wall full of them. I get my hands on a shiny red one, and Ryan grabs one with Elvis' face on it. The one I actually own is nowhere near this nice.

We plug our guitars into the giant speaker. Ryan looks at me.

"One. Two. Three!"

And we JAM!

We don't actually know how to play guitar...

Ryan and I are getting into it like we're performing at a concert. I catch the eye of a dude that works here, and his countenance turns angry. He storms over to us.


"I, um," I can't get a response out.


We stand there motionless for a second.


I scurry out as fast as my legs can carry me. Ryan appears next to me.

"Do you think we'll ever be allowed back?" He asks me.

"I don't know," I reply solemnly. I stare wistfully at the beautiful entrance to Guitar Center one last time and walk back to Walrus Pizza.

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