Chapter 33 (Bridget)

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I should've known that going to the mall with Mr. Stoker wouldn't be a regular shopping trip. Well, it's never a normal trip. Anywhere. At least I'm choosing to have an adventure, unlike some, I hate to say it, losers. Who would need a break from craziness? I kind of understand Michael and Justin, but I expect better from Lilla and Jason.

"I feel like I'm spending way too much money," Amber says as she walks over to me. I'm sitting on a bench, calculating how much money I've spent.

"Our money is worth more here, if that helps," I say with a shrug.

"Is Mr. Hayes using a payphone?" Becky exclaims, joining us.

"I didn't even know those still existed!" Adds Brooke.

"Yeah," I say, turning around to see my worried chaperone. "He's freaking out because they still aren't back."

"I can't believe they took the minivan," says Becky, shaking her head.

"They should've invited me," I mutter. Amber sighs and picks up her shopping bags.

"Come on, let's go to the karaoke place next."

That sounds more like her idea of fun than mine, but she's trying to cheer me up, so I go.

"Welcome to Karaoke Studio." An employee says in a bored tone. She's sitting in a chair with her feet over a desk. Her eyes are glued to her phone.

"Hey, guys!" Says Ryan. He's standing in front of the TVs with a microphone. Chevel is right next to him with her own.

"Why is she here?" Amber whispers to me angrily. My poor friend.

"Chevel and I were just about to sing a duet! You can have the next song, Amber." Ryan tells us. Amber forces a smile, but I can tell she's irritated.

"HEY!" A group of very tough-looking guys walks in. They have huge arms and are covered in tattoos. "This is our karaoke hangout, eh!" Their leader says to Ryan.

"I don't see your name on it!" Says Ryan. He gives the leader a light shove. Oh Ryan, no!

"Oh? Do you wanna play something, eh?" The leader shoves Ryan to the ground.

"I can take you," Ryan says after pushing himself up. All at once, the gang takes Ryan down. I run out right as Marco and Liam run in.

"Right hook to the nose!" I hear Liam yell.

"Yeah!" Adds Marco. "Get him, Ryan!"

I find JJ and Jack staring at a painting on the wall right next to the studio.

"Ryan is getting beat up!" I yell, feeling out of breath.

"Just a minute," says JJ. "We're trying to figure out what this painting means."

I pause for a second. "It's the Canadian national flag."

"No, it's something deeper," says Jack.

"I don't have time for this!" I say. "Your brother is getting beat up by a karaoke gang!"

"What?" JJ says, looking genuinely confused. Jack, on the other hand, sprints into the studio. I hesitantly follow. The employee is still on her phone! What kind of customer service is this?

Jack chucks a microphone at the leader's back, and he falls down. Well, Jack is a baseball player.
The rest of the gang turns to stare at Jack.

"Pick on someone your own size!" He says. They all hurry out of the studio. Jack helps Ryan up. The left side of his face is swelling. He better not have a black eye. Not right before our business meeting!

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