Chapter 14 (Bridget)

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"Haha! You're in debt!" Peter says to Jordan. We're playing The Game Of Life at the kitchen table.

"You're getting married!" Michael exclaims to JJ, popping a pink peg into JJ's blue car.

"To who?" Crystal asks, waggling her eyebrows.

"Ask Mikey here; we're on the same team," says JJ.

"I told you to call me Mike!" My seven-year-old brother says angrily.

"So Jordan," begins Hazel, who is not even playing the game. "Have you heard that Julie has a new man in her life?"

"Zach!" Jordan decides.

"Why are you trying to stir up trouble?" I ask Hazel.

"I'm bored!" She says defensively.

I hate babysitting. Why couldn't Mitchell be here instead of me?

"Whoo-hoo! Money!" Crystal cheers as she pushes the pink car we're sharing forward.

"I hate this game!" Jordan yells as the spinner lands on a number one for his turn.

"Over my dead body," JJ says to Michael.

What is going on? Oh, he's showing JJ house options. Michael probably wants JJ to spend a ridiculous amount of money on the mansion.

"Cade stole Julie from you," Hazel says to Jordan with a huge grin. Jordan runs out of the room.

"Look what you've done!" I say to Hazel disapprovingly. Hazel just slides into Jordan's chair. "What do we have here? Ew, I'm in debt."

"Lilla invited me to swim in her pool yesterday," JJ tells me.

"Why?" I say, "Doesn't she know that we're in the middle of a feud?"

"Choose your side," Peter comments as he puts two pegs into his green car.

"Why are we in the middle of a feud?" JJ asks tiredly.

"Why are we in the middle of a feud? Why?" I respond like the answer's obvious, which it is.

"Lilla is a brat and only cares about herself," Hazel informs him.

"That's a bit too far," JJ says quickly. "She is my childhood best friend, after all."

"She does things without thinking about how it affects everyone else," I say.

"Okay, that's true," JJ agrees.

"She goes after the guys I've broken up with without asking my permission." I continue.

"Why does she need your permission?" JJ asks.

"It's like a girl code," Hazel explains.

"I win!" Peter yells, standing up and pumping his fist into the air.

"Tom would've beaten you," Hazel tells Peter.

"I don't know him!" Peter yells.

"Does he exist?" Crystal asks with a mischievous grin.

"You talk about him, yet we've never actually met him," Peter says. It is true.

"He does exist!" Hazel says, her eyes widening.

"I think you made him up!" Crystal decides.

"Bridget!" Hazel says, panicking. Why is she bringing me into this? "You know he isn't made up, right?"

"Um," I begin, biting my lip. I've never met him or seen pictures of him and Hazel together.

"Bridget!" Hazel exclaims.

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