Chapter 31 (Lilla)

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The new hotel is right in the middle of the city. I rode in the minivan, and it was actually quite peaceful. Justin and I didn't even break up once during the two-hour trip!

"I miss Chevel!" Ryan wails, flopping onto my bed.

"What are you doing in my room?" I say with no sympathy.

"I don't know," he says, shrugging. "The door was open."

Ahh, stupid Spencer wanting to spend time with Kate. And Journey for leaving the door open.

"I think you should start spending time with your bros," Kate is saying to her boyfriend. "Mitchell's been shooting me dirty looks."

"That's his problem," says Spencer.

"I'm going out to explore the city," I announce.

"Well, that doesn't sound like the safest idea," says Ryan.

"I'll be fine," I say, grabbing my wallet.

"But Chevel said-"

"Zip it," I say, sticking my hand in Ryan's face and miming zipping his lips.

"Who wants to explore the city?" Ryan yells for our entire hallway to hear. I don't appreciate that.

A group of us head out with a warning from Mr. Hayes to be back by five. Mr. Stoker said A.M., but we all know who's really in charge here.

"Now that Chevel's gone, you can go back to normal!" Marco says to Ryan.

"I guess," says Ryan, not sounding like himself.

"Do you want to check out this store with me, Ryan?" Amber asks, still making an effort for a lost cause.

"Not really," he replies. "Maybe Bridget will go with you."

"Bridget isn't here," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Probably for the best considering everything," says Liam, nodding over to Mitchell.

"Shush!" Says Jason. "Becky and Brooke don't know!"

"What don't we know, Jason?" Says Becky, turning around from where she was taking a selfie. "That you spilled Kool-Aid on my favorite shirt in third grade?"

"When will you ever get over that?" Jason groans.

"Greenlight!" Marco suddenly yells. He tries to take off across the street in the middle of traffic. Liam pulls him back.

"That's not how it works!" I say to Marco. "Have you never crossed a street before? You go when the pedestrian light is green, not the traffic light!"

"Just leave it alone," Jason mutters to me.

"I won't stand for this!" I say, stomping my foot in anger.

"Let's have fun!" Jason says, trying to draw my attention away from Marco's idiocy.


We do have fun. I make Jason take aesthetic pictures with me, with Amber occasionally joining in. Then Mitchell ruins it by raging over to us in a panic.


"What part of the city did you wander off to, Mitchell?" Jason asks in disbelief.

"I had people with me!" Mitchell says defensively, gesturing to Ryan and Chevel.

"Chevel?!" I exclaim.

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