Chapter 10 (Mitchell)

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"Whoa, I am hot!" I say, wiping the droplets of sweat from my forehead.

"Wow, what an arrogant runt." One of the girls says, and the rest of the girls at the table nod in agreement.

"What? I didn't mean it like that!" I exclaim. "Someone turn on the air conditioning!"

"This is why you'll never get a girlfriend," Ryan tells me. "Ever."

"Be quiet and get back to work," I reply.


I lay on the couch in my living room, holding a fan to my face.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I say to no one in particular. At that moment, Evening and her giggling friends walk by.

"Because you're in here, Mitchell!" One of Evening's friends tells me with a flirtatious grin. At least it looks flirtatious to me.

"Why, thank you, Kami!" I say, winking at her. I give myself a mental high five for remembering her name.

"Oh please," says Evening. "Let's go find Liam. He'll change your mind about my brother."

"Oohh, he's the British one, right?" Says another one of her friends. I can't remember her name.

"Alright! Lead the way!" Says Hazel, pointing in front of her.

"No!" I say. "Don't go find Liam! Liam's a chump! I'm much better company!"

"Get off the couch, chump." Says Chris, walking over to me.

"Is he single?" I hear one of the girls whisper.

"No, he's practically engaged to my sister." Evening informs her.

"Leave me alone! I'm chillaxing!" I say, waving Chris off.

"Go 'chillax' outside." Says Chris, making air quotes with his fingers. I stand up.

"Alright! I'm leaving!" I turn to Evening's friends. "I'm going for a drive. Does anyone want to come?" I make a point of looking at Kami.

"No! No one wants to join you!" Evening kicks me in the butt. "Get out!"

After that embarrassing failure, I find my mother doing yard work.

"Mom, can we switch Evening out for Mark?" I say, referring to my fourteen-year-old cousin.

"What did she do now?" My mom replies, not looking up from the flowers she's planting.

"Nothing. Just ruining my chances at love." She doesn't respond.

"So," I begin to change the subject. "Since I finished high school, I think it would be a good idea to have a bunch of guys over to spend the night."

"A good idea, huh? I'll talk to your dad about it." She responds.


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