Chapter 27 (Bridget)

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This has been a very interesting trip so far. We're staying in Niagara Falls for three days and then heading to Toronto.

I climb onto the bus that will take us to the hotel. Mr. Hayes and Mr. Stoker rented a minivan. I don't know why, but it's a very convenient escape from all the craziness.

That's not a bad idea.

I sprint out of the bus and leap into the minivan. I settle into the back seat, hoping that no loud people will join me, such as Lilla, Justin, Ryan, and Cole.

However, I cannot get everything because Marco squeezes himself into the middle back seat between Michael Wood and me.

"Whoo! What a flight! How's it going, everyone?" Marco says all of this in one breath. The closest anyone gets to responding is Michael lowering his baseball cap to cover his face.

"Alright!" Says Mr. Hayes, starting the engine. "Is everyone ready?"

"Yep!" Says Megan, and she and Brooke start giggling. They're sharing a seat while Becky occupies the only other available one.

"Girls," says Mr. Hayes. "That's not safe."

"Not to mention against the law," Mr. Stoker adds from the passenger seat. "We could get pulled over, arrested, or worse: kicked out of the country. Oh! I like the sound of that."

That's all he ever says, I promise.

"Is this a joke to you?" Mr. Hayes asks his fellow chaperone. He then turns to face those of us behind him.

"Brooke and Megan, one of you needs to get on the bus. I'm sorry."

"Okay," says Brooke. "I'm pretty sure there's an empty spot next to Mitchell!"

Whoa, hey! She can't do that!

I watch as she steps onto the bus. It appears she just did.

"I wonder how many couples there will be at the end of this trip," Becky comments as Mr. Hayes drives out of the parking lot.

"With all the tea I know?" Says Marco. "Probably only one."

He can't just say something cryptic like that! What does he know?

"Marco," says Michael. "Why aren't you on the bus with Jason?"

"Because he and Lilla had to have a private talk about something," Marco explains, rolling his eyes.

"It's probably because she broke up with Justin again," I say.

"Well, I'm glad Jason isn't here," says Becky. "It's a nice reprieve."

"What do you have against him?" I ask her.

"Oh boy," Michael mutters.

Becky takes a deep breath and turns to look at me.

"In third grade, he spilled cherry Kool-Aid on my FAVORITE BABY BLUE T-SHIRT! I've disliked him ever since."

That was probably like, ten years ago, but okay.

"You know," I say to Becky. "I spilled paint on JJ's favorite shirt a few years ago, and now he's my boyfriend."

"I don't like what you're suggesting," says Becky. "Jason is the worst!"

She begins to make a gagging motion with her hand.

"Becky stop," says Megan.

"Well," says Michael. "You sure like to make Jason pay for it."

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