Chapter 23 (Mitchell)

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"Bridget!" I call, spotting her by the Craft Hall. I run over to see that she's busy conversing with Zach.

"I really don't understand the big deal with dates either," he's saying. He'd have to be in my cabin to understand.

"I'm making progress with Lilla!" I interrupt. Zach turns to face me.

"Did you really just interrupt me?" Zach says to me in a dangerous tone. Bridget shakes her head in disapproval.

"I'm sorry," I say, staring at my shoes.

"I thought so," says Zach.

"Can I talk to Bridget now?" I ask, feeling uncomfortable.

"Sure," he says, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, Barker sprints over to us.

"Sir!" He says between gasps for breath. The golf cart pulls up beside him.

"Barker, why didn't you just ride in the golf cart?" Zach asks in disbelief.

"Because he doesn't have a brain, sir," Ron says from the driver's seat.

"I do too!" Barker retorts.

"What did you need to tell me?" Zach asks him.

"I dream of being a standup comedian," Barker tells him.

"No!" Zach retorts. "Not happening."

"I dreamed about it last night," Barker says, shrugging.

"Why did you run all this way?" Zach asks tiredly.

"I don't remember!" Barker says, panicking. "My mind is on overdrive!" He shrieks.

"Sir!" Says John from inside the golf cart. "He's gonna explode!"

"Ahh!" Bridget screams, climbing into the golf cart. I quickly follow.

"Barker, get ahold of yourself!" Zach yells, grabbing Barker's shoulders.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't know what got into me," Barker apologizes.

"I never thought it would come to this," Zach says slowly. "You need to stop overthinking about stuff."

"What are you saying?" Barker asks nervously.

"I'm giving you a vacation!" Zach tells him. I gasp; I never saw this coming!

"A vacation?" Barker gasps.

"From your problems, Barker!" John yells, giving him a thumbs up.

"No!" Says Zach. "That's not what I meant!" He turns to face Barker. "You have one hour for your vacation, Barker."

"Alright then!" Barker says excitedly. He begins to walk away from us backwards. "I'm taking a vacation- from my problems!" He says, pointing at Zach.

"No!" Zach huffs. "That's not what I meant!"

Bridget and I slowly climb out of the golf cart.

"So you were saying that you're making progress with Lilla?" Bridget asks me as we walk to the sports field.

"Yeah!" I say happily. "I think we finally won't be awkward anymore."

"This is our song; that's all that matters!" Barker is singing from behind us.

"I wish she would be nicer to me," Bridget says, ignoring Barker.

"Because we all belong right here together!" Barker sings.

"Would you please shut up?" I say to Barker.

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