Chapter 19 (Mitchell)

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Ryan and Jason are finally in the same cabin as me. For all my years at Camp Unicoi, I have never shared a cabin with them, but they have always been together. Even better, I get Zach's guards, John and Ron as well. Sadly, I also have Garfield and Jack in my cabin. There's also this stupid kid named Renaldo.

"All the boys of B8 gather to the middle of the cabin." Says Caleb.

It is the first night of camp, and our counselors are already asleep.

"How many of you have a girlfriend?" Caleb asks, and a few of the guys raise their hands. Garfield is in their number. I guess Lilla and him got back together.

"Get back to your bunks then!" Caleb shoos them away.

"What are you trying to do?" A single guy named Brad asks suspiciously.

"All of us are going to have dates to the movie and fireworks by Friday," Caleb announces. "The losers have to perform a song of the winners' choice at breakfast on Saturday."

"Here! Here!" Cheers a guy named Cavin, who has a girlfriend.

"This should be good!" Laughs Garfield.

"Oh really, Garfield?" Ryan says, standing up from his spot on the floor. "Let's see who's laughing when Lilla dumps you again!"

A chorus of "Ooohhh"'s echoes across the cabin.

"With your luck," John, the security guard, adds. "She'll dump you right before the movie!"

Everyone laughs, and Garfield looks very angry.

"I'll keep her! Just you wait!"

"Oh! He's going to step it up!" Michael Wood says, laughing.

"Also," Jason interrupts. "Can we make a rule that if you get a date, you have to tell the whole cabin who it is, and they ask the girl for proof?"

"Great idea!" Says Michael, making eye contact with Jack.

"What are you looking at me for?" Jack responds defensively.


Tuesday morning at breakfast is filled with rumors about a brawl in G7, one of the girls' cabins.

The names Lilla Matthews and Bridget Thompson are mentioned.

"And then Lilla just tackled her!" A girl at our table says excitedly.

"But Bridget started it?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "That doesn't sound like her."

"Oh! Did Bridget snap?" Ryan says excitedly. "Our little Hufflepuff has snapped!"

"It was only a matter of time," says Jemma, sliding into a chair next to Caleb. "She's basically been a time bomb since Lilstin began."

"Lilstin?" Exclaims Ryan. "No! It's Garfilla!"

Oh, I get it.

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