Chapter 30 (Amber)

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We're all still in shock; well, I know I am. I was standing next to Mr. Stoker when it happened. I left my jacket on the bus and needed to know if it was unlocked. Then Mitchell, Marco, Spencer, Kate, Bridget, Cole, and Journey, also known as the crazy group, were on the playground. Jason, Lilla, and Liam were there too. Everyone else was sitting in the pavilion.

Mr. Stoker was standing on top of the hill overlooking the playground for some reason. When I finally reached him, I heard screaming because the crazy group was playing with all the little kids. It sounded intense, but I was on a mission.

I decided to look just out of curiosity. Mitchell kissed Bridget. Oh boy.

"Someone's in trouble!" Mr. Stoker sings.

"Please don't tell anyone about that, Mr. Stoker!" I say, coming to the defense of my friends.

"What kind of phone do you have?" Mr. Stoker asks. I sigh.

In junior year, most of my friends got to have Mr. Hayes as their science teacher. I got stuck with Mr. Stoker. On the first day of school, he told us that he knew nothing about Biology and that he would grade us based on our phones. Ironically, this class was known as "the phone class" because we were on our phones for the entire class, even during tests.

That year, I sat next to Cole, and the poor guy had a flip phone. He only got a B at the end of the year because of his brand-new smartphone. On the bright side, I wouldn't have been able to start my band without meeting my fellow members who were also in that class.

I show Mr. Stoker my phone, and he eyes it approvingly.

"I do not recall any kiss!" He says. He picks up an airsoft gun and begins to load the bullets.

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"Target practice!" He says with a grin.

He's aiming it at Cole. That's not good. I've been shot with one of those before by Zach, and it hurts. Cole may be an idiot, but he doesn't deserve pain.

I run down the hill to the pavilion, which is out of range for Mr. Stoker.

"Hey, JJ," I say, sitting down on the bench next to him. Since last night, JJ's usually friendly demeanor towards everyone has changed, and he is now avoiding anyone remotely crazy.

"Did you see what happened?" I ask, hoping he didn't see Mitchell kiss his girlfriend.

"Yeah," he says. Uh oh. "Cole is getting stung by a bee or something!"

Cole is hopping around, trying to avoid Mr. Stoker's shots and wincing every time a bullet finds its target. It does look like something is stinging him.

"Ryan!" Mitchell is running over to the pavilion. He looks panicked. "I have to talk to you about something!"

"Not now! What were you saying, Chevel?"

I am so sick of this Chevel business. I'm getting out of here. The playground doesn't look too bad.

"We can't tell anyone what we saw," Spencer is saying to the playground group. "It isn't our business."

"Cole's running," Lilla says casually.

"NO!" Spencer yells. He chases him up the hill to where the teachers are.

"Mr. Hayes!" Cole yells.

"No! Of course, I didn't smuggle food through security!" Mr. Hayes is saying into his phone.

Spencer lunges and tackles Cole, who grabs Mr. Hayes' leg. Mr. Hayes makes shushing motions at them and waves them away.

"Sorry, that was just the kids. Yes, I know that yogurt was about to expire, and it disappeared, but that doesn't mean I took it!"

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