Chapter 9 (Lilla)

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"What was that, Lilla?" Garfield yells at me.

The party is over, and mostly everyone has left. Well, everyone except for Zach and his guards, who are graciously helping clean up the mess those slobs left behind. Chet and his stepbrother are still here, packing up the instruments.

And Garfield is still here, leaning against a table with an angry expression. At least I caught someone's attention with my song. Mitchell did not have the reaction I was hoping for, stomping out like that. Bridget running after him made it even more embarrassing. But hey, at least I got everything off my chest.

"That was my revenge from when you insulted me in front of everyone!" I snap at Garfield.

"I was only pointing out facts," Garfield responds smugly.

"Oh, so me having the lead role last night means nothing?" I ask, crossing my arms as I step closer to him.

"Your acting skills were mediocre compared to mine," says Garfield.

"Actually," puts in Barker. "I watched the entire play, and Lilla almost outshined you, and she was an understudy."

"SHUT UP, BARKER!" We shout at him at the same time.

"Sorry," Barker mutters, walking away.

"You're stupid and arrogant, and you needed to be called out!" I yell at Garfield.

"You're an insane control freak with anger issues!" Garfield shoots back.

"Ahh, I can't stand you!" I scream.

"I can't stand you either!" He screams back.

And we're kissing. And I'm kissing him back. What am I doing?

I lean into him more and forget about my surroundings. He is a really good kisser. Having Justin as a boyfriend suddenly sounds like a tolerable idea. I run my hands through his hair. He's extremely attractive, and we have similar personalities. Justin presses me closer to him.


We quickly break apart.

Chet is standing on the stage with his mouth hanging open. A piece of his stepbrother's drumset just clattered to the ground.

"Chet!" His stepbrother growls.

"James, I'm sorry!" Chet pleads, stooping down to pick the instrument up. "You don't work with them. You don't understand what this kiss means!"

I turn to see the security guards' reaction.

Josh was literally filming the whole thing, and Zach has a massive grin on his face! The guards all start clapping and whistling, except for Barker. He's sitting down and cleaning his glasses. Did he miss what just happened? I sure hope so.

"Mind your own business!" I snap at them. "None of this ever happened!"


It's been two days since the, uhm, "incident" between Garfield and me, er, Justin. I don't know what to call him anymore. Anyway, we decided to keep what happened a secret. We went on one secret date yesterday. It's weird now that we like each other instead of hating each other.

I'm just walking around in the mall by myself now. I was with Ava and Jemma, but they got distracted by the food court, so now I'm on my own. I pass by the new mini Walgreens they placed there and spot Justin pushing a cart.


I enter the store and walk beside him in one of the aisles.

"What are you doing?" He asks calmly, staring straight ahead. "Somebody could see."

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