Chapter 6 (Lilla)

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Today is my last day of high school. Ever. Unless I become like a teacher or something, which I don't plan on. I sit down next to Ava in Math.

"How was the battle of the boy bands?" I ask her as Mr. Jennings passes out our exams.

"All I can say is that I've had enough boy bands for my lifetime." She answers, "I almost burned my One Direction tour shirt after."


"Yes. I'd rather not speak of it. How was your night?" She asks me, changing the subject.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Watching RomComs and eating ice cream." I reply, and Ava opens her mouth to say something else, but Mr. Jennings rudely interrupts.

"Alright, class! Time to begin the exam. No talking."


It feels good to be done with all my exams. I walk to Eclipse rehearsals with a few other people.

"This is the last rehearsal we'll have before the play tomorrow night!" Announces Ms. Skevins.

Ah, dress rehearsals, where all I have to do is dress like a fancy vampire version of myself. We don't even need to do the rehearsals anymore. I have my lines down. I know them so well that Mrs. Shannon made me an understudy for Ellie, who plays Bella. I walk backstage and find Ryan and Journey messing around. I stomp over to them, but Amber pulls me away.

"What are you doing?" She asks me, "You're supposed to be onstage right now!"

"But Journey and-" I protest.

"Lilla! What are you doing? Get on stage!" Kelli interrupts. I groan and point to Ryan, who is showing something to Journey on his phone.

"Haha! I changed my password! You'll never be able to crack the code!" Brags Ryan.

"I can crack anything I want," Journey responds and pretends to break a prop plate.

"That isn't funny; it's just trashy," Ryan replies.

"That's enough, you two." Says Chet, good-naturedly. He's sitting at the piano.

"Wait, a minute," says Kelli, "Chet, are you playing the music for the play?"

"Yeah, me and a few others," he answers.

"Did you seriously just notice that?" I inquire of Kelli.

"Maybe," she answers and leaves.

I grab my costume off the rack and head into a dressing room. Upon exiting the dressing room, I'm greeted by Mitchell and Spencer singing Post Malone songs.

"My hippie goin' psycho, you look a lot like Michael." They chorus together

"Be quiet! You're singing it wrong!" I snap at them.

Spencer sticks his tongue out at me, but I'm too mature to respond to such foolishness. Instead, I stick my foot out when Mitchell walks by me and trip him.

"Haha! Mitchell, is the floor okay?" Laughs Jason, and Mitchell grabs Jason's ankle and takes him down. I smile, feeling quite satisfied. Rylie and Bridget pass by me.

"Funny how she tripped Mitchell when Spencer is the one who made a face at her," Rylie declares to Bridget. My smile fades.

"Rylie, stop gossiping!" Scolds Bridget.

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