Chapter 25 (Lilla)

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It's almost time for the Toronto trip.

"You should probably talk to Justin before the trip," Jason suggests. He tosses clothes into his suitcase.

I fall down on his bed.

"He has to talk to me first," I say.

"Do you even want to get back together?" Jason asks.

"I like him less each time we break up," I confess, sitting up.

Mark barges into Jason's room.

"Chet's here," he announces and leaves.

"Why is Chet here?" I ask Jason.

"You'll see," he tosses more clothes into his suitcase. Chet swaggers in, looking confident as usual.

"Hey man, what's up?" Chet says.

"Just packing," Jason replies, carelessly chucking an armful of clothing into his suitcase.

"What are you doing!?" Chet shrieks, running to the suitcase. "Now I have to make things right!"

He shoves Jason to the side and begins to fold the clothes carefully.

Jason grabs my arm and leads me outside.

"I'd say we have about an hour," he tells me. "Chet always freaks out when I don't pack properly."

"Does he help you pack for camp?" I ask, jokingly.

"Always," Jason replies, seriously.

"What's going on over there?" I ask, pointing towards the figures on the trampoline.

We walk over there to see Mitchell, Evening, and Jewel bouncing. Mitchell is throwing dodge balls at them. But why?

"Jake Sanchez!" Mitchell throws a ball at the girls, who shriek and bounce away.

"Andrew Barker!" The ball hits Jewel.

"Ha! Now you have to date Barker!" Mitchell teases.

"No! Ew!" Jewel yells. Mitchell laughs at her until he spots me.

"What is she doing here?" He asks.

"Who?" Asks Jewel, and then she sees me. "Lilla's here all the time!"

"Why?" Asks Evening.

"Because Jason and her are like, best friends," Jewel explains.

"WHAT!?" Evening and Mitchell scream.

"I know, right!" Says Mark as he climbs onto the trampoline. "Since when does Jason have a solid friend that's a girl?"

"Since Megan!" Says Jewel.

"And we all know what happened with that!" Mark says, and the two siblings start laughing their heads off.

"What happened with Megan?" I ask Jason.

"I'll tell you later," he mutters.


Apparently, Jason used to like Megan, but she turned around and started dating Michael Wood. That's tough. Justin called me last night, so we're dating again.

"Have fun, sweetie!" My dad says as I step onto the school bus that will take us to the airport.

"Make good choices!" Says my mom.

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