Chapter 40 (Mitchell)

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I nervously shove my hands into my pockets as I peek behind the stage curtain. It's almost showtime for Zach's Gladiator play. Zach had informed me that he had hired a Morgan Freeman impersonator to play Maximus, which makes no sense. But of course, the "impersonator" turned out to be Alexander West.

"Last minute change!" Zach announces, running over to us. "We're turning Gladiator into Gladiator: The Musical!"

I gasp at him in dismay. I spent weeks learning my lines, and now I have to learn songs too?

"Don't worry," Zach assures me. "You'll just lip-sync John. And Alexander, you'll-"

"Speak for yourself!" Alexander interrupts. "I can learn music in seconds!"


The whole cast bows as a few claps are heard from the audience. Zach gave me way too many musical numbers and confusing choreography, but it's fine. I'm sure it wasn't too bad.

"Way to go, Mitchell!" Zach claps me on the back while we're backstage. "Looks like John's parents forcing him to take opera singing lessons, which he hates, paid off!"

"That was such a rush!" I agree.

After changing into my normal clothes, I greet my family. It was a super small community theater, and only my parents, Evening, my grandparents, and Jason and Maria showed up. There are a few other people scattered around.

"Well, that was, um, interesting," my mom mutters while Evening giggles. 

"Oh, this was so worth it!" Says Jason, with a huge grin on his face.

"You're singing was amazing, Mitchell!" Maria tells me.

"Why, thank you!" I say with a wink.

"That wasn't actually him singing, Maria," Evening informs her. "He was totally lip-syncing. Mitchell isn't very gifted in the singing department."

I try to say something back, but all that comes out are angry huffs and growls. My cousins and sister laugh at me.

"I loved your performance!" A skinny older man, wearing glasses, a red polo shirt, and cargo shorts, approaches me. He is also holding a clipboard. I think I saw him dancing to some of my musical numbers.

"I think you have true talent!" The man continues. "You made me extremely proud today! How would you like to come with me on an official visit to ACCC college? We can give you a fifteen percent scholarship!"

I gasp.

"Are you being serious?" I question him.

"You bet your bottom dollar I am!" He responds.

I'm filled with excitement; it feels like Christmas morning.


I turn to see Cole glaring at me. What's his problem?

"What do you need, Cole?"

"You promised me a ride to the airport so I could win Journey back before she leaves for Florida State! I even came to your performance!" Cole protests.

"Well, first of all, you never even had Journey in the first place, so how can you even win her back? Second of all, I didn't ask you to come to my performance. I didn't even tell you about it. Actually, how did you even find out about it!?" I reply.

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