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Three years later

Chloe Walker's long-awaited wedding was unforgettable. Whether it was the extravagant decorations or the um, interesting guests, that is up to the point of view. The reception was when everything really went down. Mitchell Walker sat at a table with a clear glass of water in his hand, feeling sorry for himself.

Sure, he had the security guards by his side, attending to his every need. In fact, the guards made him feel so important that he did not notice that Zach Daniels had completely taken over his branch of Walrus Pizza. Mitchell's problem was that he was comparing himself to his friends. See, Cole paid for Chloe's wedding. The only reason she and Chris hadn't gotten married yet was because they couldn't afford a wedding.

After the airport scene in which Cole sang to Journey, someone posted it, and it went viral. Cole, Alexander West, and his band became world-famous and super successful. Cole had never been the brightest or even a likable person. However, fame and money changed him in a good way, as he was now one of the most generous people Mitchell knew.

"It was the least I could do after Chloe has been a big sister figure to me for all these years," Cole was telling Mitchell.

"I just can't believe I refused to take you to the airport that day," Mitchell responded, ignoring Cole's original comment. "I could've become famous."

"Actually," said Cole. "It was Journey rejecting me that really did it. She said yes for the cameras, but as soon as they were off, she told me I had put too much pressure on her. Alexander told me to write lyrics about my feelings, and here we are, two platinum records later. Oh, there she is!"

Journey returned Cole's wave with a grimace. Because of his viral video, she was recognized nearly everywhere she went. It wasn't her ideal way of finding fame.

"Journey," said Cole. "Because of you, I am living my dream life. I would never have rushed to the airport if it wasn't my feelings for you, so thank you!"

Journey nodded with a fake smile and walked away. One thing that hadn't changed was that she still had zero romantic feelings for the former country loser.

"So, how are things going for you?" Cole asked Mitchell.

"They're going well," Mitchell replied. "Walrus Pizza is more popular than ever, and I have my own place that I'm renting with Spencer and Cooper J. Smith."

"That's cool!" Said Cole. "You know, I can fly you out to our mansion in LA sometime! You can take a ride in one of my BMWs. The horsepower on those things is incredible!"

"That sounds fun, but I'm way too busy for that," Mitchell said, making an excuse.

"Alright," said Cole, standing up. "See you around!"

"He drives a luxury sports car while I'm still driving around in a beat-up Honda Civic!" Mitchell said mournfully after Cole left.

"You could literally buy a new car if you wanted to," Ralph pointed out.

"No, I can't. Be quiet," Mitchell told him.

"But sir!" Ralph protested. "As the owner of a successful restaurant, you make more than enough money to replace your old car!"

"John," Mitchell said, addressing the guard sitting next to him. "As head of security, you have the responsibility to make Ralph shut up."

Barker had stepped down from the head of security after the guards started serving Mitchell.

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