Chapter 20 (Bridget)

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"Family meeting!" Michael Wood announces, and he, Jason, Ryan, Mitchell, Lilla, and I all sit down on the grass underneath some shady trees.

So I may have snapped and physically attacked Lilla. Lilla has been sleeping on Madison Henley's bunk for the past two nights, something our counselors disagree with but allow. I'll laugh when the bunk collapses.

"What happened here?" Michael asks, gesturing to me and Lilla glowering at each other.

"How is this a family meeting?" Lilla asks. "None of us are related."

"But somehow, two of us share a last name," Jason says, raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, besides you two," Lilla amends, pointing to Mitchell and him.

"We're all bosses at Walrus Pizza; therefore, we should all be working together in harmony," Michael explains.

"I don't want to talk about this," I say at last. "Because she never listens," I continue, glaring at Lilla.

"Well, you're being ridiculous!" Lilla shoots back.

"Am I really?" I hiss at her.

"I don't have time for this!" Lilla says, standing up. "I told Justin I'd meet him at the basketball court."

"Why are you being such a jerk?" I ask her, standing up as well.

"This isn't even a big deal!" She yells.

"It is to me!" I yell back.

"Can't you just let it go?" Lilla responds. I am so done with her! I shoot her a loathing glance and leave the area.

I find Amber talking to John, the security guard by the Craft Hall.

"I'm glad he isn't making you wear that tux here," Amber is saying to him.

Yeah, John isn't wearing his usual uniform. Instead, he has on a white short-sleeve button-down shirt and black athletic shorts. He actually looks pretty fashionable with his black sunglasses clipped to the collar of his shirt.

"It was pretty bad last year," John agrees. I decide to step in at that moment.

"Does Lilla seem like a different person to you?" I ask Amber.

"Hey, John!" I greet the brown-haired guard. I'm surprised to see that John has the most upset expression in reaction to my greeting. He walks away muttering something about singing Billy Joel on Saturday.

"What's up with him?" I ask Amber.

"He works for Zach. What do you expect?" She replies.

"Zach pays him?" I ask. This is news.

"I don't know," she replies, sounding irritated. "How else would they be so loyal?"

Great. Now, this will be bothering me for the rest of the day.

"John's got some arms on him," I say, trying to change the subject.

"I know, right!" Amber replies excitedly. "I hardly ever see him in short sleeves."

When they went to the basketball game together last winter, he wore his usual tuxedo. Apparently, it was more of a group thing, and they're strictly just friends.

"Zach probably has a strict workout plan for them," I say, smiling.

"And all those veins in his forearms," Amber continues.

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