Chapter 22 (Lilla)

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On my way to the amphitheater, I pass an extremely happy Jack and a satisfied Tulip.

"Move over," I say to my friends when I find our row.

"No can do," says Michael. "We're all full here."

"Hey, Lilla!" Mitchell waves at me from a couple of rows down.

"Can I sit with you?" I ask.

"Sure!" He replies, and I make my way down there.

The sports ceremony begins, and they start announcing what places the teams finished in. Blue finished fourth, which isn't too bad.

"And the winning team is Gold!" Camp director, Mr. Burke, announces. The Gold team runs to the stage, celebrating.

"How did you accomplish this amazing feat?" Mr. Burke asks the team. It really isn't that amazing.

"We worked all summer long," Alexander West tells him. They did not! The liars! We've only been here for a week.


I hang out with Mitch during free time again.

"This is hopeless!" Ryan is saying to Mitchell. They're complaining about the fact that they are dateless.

"Why is this such a big deal?" I ask, slamming my water bottle down on the picnic table for emphasis.

"It's none of your concern!" Ryan tells me condescendingly.

"You're the worst!" I say angrily.

"Ryan quit being a butt." Mitchell scolds him.

"And that," says Barker, approaching our table. "Is my favorite type of humor."

"What?" I say after a few awkward seconds.

"Potty humor is my favorite," Barker explains.

"Get out," I say, pointing away from the table. He graciously leaves.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Ryan wonders aloud.

John, the security guard, is standing on a picnic table with a megaphone.


"Sure." She replies from the bench where she's sitting.

"I wish I had a date," Mitchell mutters. Is that all that matters to anyone anymore?

He randomly hands me a flower and mumbles something I don't understand. How sweet of him! He's totally hinting that he wants me to be his date!


"I'll be back!" I say happily.

"Lilla, wait-" I hear Mitchell say. We'll have plenty to talk about during the movie.

I find Justin by the basketball court with Journey.

"Lilla!" She says, running over to me. "I have a date!"

"Why?" I ask her. I thought that she agreed that the search for dates was ridiculous.

"It was this shy younger boy, and I admired his boldness." She explains.

"Okay then," I say and walk over to Justin.

"I don't think this is going to work out," I say to him. His eyes widen in surprise.

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