Chapter 15 (Lilla)

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Another restaurant opened up in our local strip mall, where Walrus Pizza just happens to be. The stress of this new place, which is called Venables', is driving me crazy. I had to break up with Justin last night because he wouldn't stop texting me when I was trying to come up with a solution to this turn of events.

I'm holding an emergency meeting with a select number of Walrus Pizza employees in my dining room. I sit down at the head of the table and power on my pink Macbook. I started holding small meetings once a week here so employees could discuss their problems and such with me and at least two other Walrus Pizza bosses.

"This meeting is now in session!" I say firmly.

Jason bangs a mallet onto what looks like an old history textbook. Sweet of him to think of not damaging the table. The mallet is quite helpful.

"Jason!" I call down the table. "Switch with Evening!" I turn to Evening, who is sitting next to me.

"Sorry!" Evening just rolls her eyes at me and switches seats with Jason.

"Things need to improve!" I say. "Jake!"

Jake's head snaps up. He better not have been dozing off during a crisis like this.

"I ordered a sign for you to twirl at the other entrance to Epps Bridge. Also, you'll need to wear a walrus costume."

"Score!" Jake reacts, holding his fist up in victory. Good, I picked the right person.

"We also need to investigate Venables," I say. "Any ideas?"

Ryan raises his hand.

"A few of us could go tonight in disguises!" Not a bad idea.

"And I could go too," he continues. "Lilla and Jason can pose as my parents." Wait a minute.

"Ryan, do I look that old to you?" Jason asks, offended. Good point. I narrow my eyes at Ryan.

"Yeah," I agree.

"Just do it," says Megan. "We don't have any better ideas."

"Lilla, will you take me back?" Justin asks randomly.

"Sure," I reply.

"I'll take Jason's place," Justin then volunteers.

"I didn't want to go anyway," Jason says glumly. I feel kinda bad.

"Cheer up, Jason!" Says Ryan. "They can have two kids!" Oh, joy.

"What about three?" Journey asks.

"Too suspicious," I say, waving her off. "You can go with Cole." I spot him standing next to her. He grins at Journey.

"Great! It's a date- I mean, its on! We're on!" What have I done? I'll have Mitchell's foreign exchange student go with them.

"Mitchell!" I call as he glances at me from his corner. He does not look friendly. "We need Peter Pevensie." All I remember about that dude is that he looks like the guy from Narnia.

"Liam?" Mitchell asks.

"Yeah, him," I confirm.

After we sort all that out, I close up the meeting. Bridget was nowhere to be seen during the entire meeting. Her loss, it was a very eventful meeting. Zach wasn't there either, but Amber, Barker, and Jake were. Hazel wasn't. People are weird.

"I need to discuss some things with you," Jemma tells me after everyone leaves.

"Okay, why so professional?" I ask her.

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