Chapter 11 (Bridget)

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I am not happy with Lilla Matthews. Not in the slightest. What kind of friend goes after your exes without asking permission?

"What's going on, Thompson?" Chad sidles up to me and attempts to do some kind of handshake with me. I just high-five him and start bagging the To-Go orders for Walrus Pizza.

"Since when are we on the same shift?" Asks Mitchell, walking past me.

"Since Lilla made my hit list," I reply.

"Whoa, what happened?" He says, stopping in his tracks.

"You honestly don't know anything, do you?" I respond sharply. He shakes his head and continues to walk away.

"I understand why you broke up with her now." He stops and turns around.


"She's an inconsiderate Savitar."

"A what?"

"Oh, never mind," I wave him away—uncultured swine. Becky walks over to me and starts helping me bag the orders.

"Hey, Bridget," she says with a sly grin.

"Hey, Becky," I reply cautiously.

Becky and I aren't exactly friends. She's one of those people who picks and chooses who she wants to be friends with. And she hasn't chosen me.

"So I heard you hate Lilla now." She says casually. Ah, that's why she's talking to me.

Becky and Lilla cannot stand each other. I guess they're too similar or something. Becky has a very obvious crush on Jack, which is gross, and people are saying that she's trying to go after Mitchell now. Either that or she's helping Brooke go after Mitchell. Becky and Brooke are always together, so it's hard to tell. Brooke is nice enough on her own but is pretty annoying when she's with Becky. So anyway, that explains why she doesn't like Lilla or me.

"I don't hate her," I explain to Becky. "I'm really upset with her."

"Aren't you two like best friends?" Becky asks with a curious expression.

"Oh no," I say, laughing.

"Especially not now," I say more quietly. Becky smiles broadly.

"I see. What exactly did she do?"

I can't gossip! I can't! Of course, she's only talking to me for information.

"Need any help?" Asks Jack, appearing beside me wearing his usual stupid smile. That's the last straw.

"The last thing I need is help from you, Jack Gardner." I snap and storm out of the area.

"It's alright," I hear Jack say. "She'll come around eventually."

For Zoom's sake! I have a boyfriend! I catch Josh turning his video camera in my direction.

"A little privacy please?" I say, and he immediately aims his camera at the ground. I have never heard him talk. Does he have a voice?

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