Chapter 18 (Lilla)

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Boys are the worst.

After setting things up in my cabin, I decide to head over to the sports field where a ton of people are.

"What's up, Lilla?" Ryan comes up beside me and throws his arm around me.

"I've decided that men aren't worth my time and that I'm going to make my career my top priority," I reply.

"Hey! We're on the same team!" Ryan says as he grabs my blue lanyard. He completely ignored what I just said! I need to find out what Zach's problem is.

"Where's the security team?" I ask Ryan.

"They probably aren't here yet," he replies. "Just relax! Enjoy the scenery!"

"I thought short shorts weren't allowed at camp!" I say angrily, pointing at a doof shooting hoops at the basketball court.

"Not that kind of scenery!" Ryan steers me away from that scarring sight. We then bump into Jason.

"We're friends, right?" Jason asks me in a panicked tone.

"I'm pretty sure we are," I reply, feeling confused.

"Well, Journey said that I'm the reason you switched to Chloe's car." He tells me. What?

"Journey can be such a jerkus," comments Ryan.

"Excuse me," I turn to Ryan. "Journey's what?"

"A jerkus," Ryan says again.

"That isn't a word," I inform him.

"It will be one day!" He says and runs off. Whatever. I grab Jason's arm.

"We need to find Journey," I tell him.

"She's over there," Jason tells me, pointing to the basketball court where Journey is talking to Mr. Short Shorts. Her standards are getting lower and lower.

"Journey!" I yell as I stomp over to the court while dragging Jason with me.

"Oh, hey!" Says Journey. She stops dribbling her basketball for a second and gestures to Mr. Short Shorts. "This is-"

I cut her off.

"I don't care who he is! Why are you being mean to Jason?"

"He was insulting Justin!" Journey explains. "I have to stick up for my brother!"

"Why were you-" I'm about to ask Jason why he was insulting Garfield, but he's disappeared. Oh well.


After the opening ceremonies, we're instructed to head to our cabins to meet our counselors.

Thankfully, I have different counselors this year. Last year's were terrible. Journey, Jemma, and Amber are all in a different cabin from me.

"Hey, Lilla!" Gabby waves at me. Oh no! There's only one top bunk between us. Bridget climbs onto it. Why is the world so cruel?

I try to smile at her, but she rolls her eyes and whispers something to Gabby.

We're required to meet with our teams after supper. I sit down next to Ryan and, unfortunately, Gabby. A kid sits in a chair in front of us.

"What's your name?" Ryan asks him.

"Wouldn't you like to know, questionnaire?" The kid replies. This is a very stupid situation.

I cannot listen to Gabby's endless chatter and Ryan's nonsense any longer. As soon as they give us free time, I stomp over to Jemma. She seems deep in conversation with Josh, the security guard. For once, he isn't holding his video camera.

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