Chapter 7 (Mitchell)

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"I want to come!" Evening complains as Spencer pulls up my driveway.

I'm going to a Panic! At The Disco concert downtown with Spencer, Cole, Brooke, and Becky. Spencer and Cole walk up to us.

"You can't!" I respond to Evening and wave to the boys.

"Hey, Mitch- get off your stinking phone Cole. Who are you even texting?" Spencer asks Cole.

"My girlfriend, of course!" Answers Cole.

"But you don't have a girlfriend," says Evening, confused.

"Who says? You? Haha, ha!" Laughs Cole.

"Yes," says Evening, not amused.

"She lives in Tennessee," Cole announces proudly.

"She doesn't exist!" Spencer declares.

"You guys are the worst!" Cole screams and stomps back towards the car. We stand there awkwardly for a minute.

"I still want to come," says Evening but we ignore her and run off towards Spencer's car. Evening is still frowning at us from a distance as we drive away.

After a few minutes on the road, Spencer's phone rings. I glance at Spencer and grab his phone. He's too busy messing with the radio to notice, though. It's a text from his girlfriend, Kate:

I just arrived at the graduation rehearsal with Cade. I wish you were here! Heart emoji heart emoji

"Hehe," I laugh.

"What are you looking at?" Asks Spencer, muting the Billy Joel song that's playing.

"HEY!" Exclaims Cole from the backseat. Spencer snatches his phone back. We stop at a red light and Spencer texts:

Wish you could've come, love you babe

I burst out laughing.

"Quit reading over my shoulder!" Spencer says defensively.

"Turn the song back on!" Cole whines and then notices that Spencer's holding his phone.

"Don't text while driving!" Cole shouts in alarm.

"Oh, it's fine," Spencer assures him.

"Texting while driving isn't a joke, Spencer. Millions of families suffer from it every year." Cole says, seriously.

"That's from The Office, except you replaced identity theft with texting with driving," I comment thoughtfully.

"PLAGIARISM!" Spencer screams and swerves.

"AAAHHHH!" Cole and I scream.


The line to get tickets is insanely long, so it's a good thing that we bought ours ahead of time. Before we get our seats, Spencer gives Cole a pep talk.

"Look, Cole, this is your chance to get a girlfriend-"

"But I already have-" Cole interrupts, and then I interrupt him,

"We all know that's she's fake, bro." Someone next to us gasps. Oops. I might've said that a little louder than I meant to. Cole stomps off. I hope he doesn't get lost.

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