Chapter 39 (Bridget)

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I sit on my bed and sort through all of JJ's stuff. I'm making a pile of the things that are his and the things that were gifts from him. After an extremely awkward plane ride, JJ informed me that trust is one of his biggest priorities in a relationship and said he couldn't be with someone that he couldn't trust. In other words, he broke up with me.

After a few days of avoiding each other, he texted me and said he was bringing my stuff to Walrus Pizza if I wanted to get his.

"I can take some of this stuff off your hands," Hazel says, picking up one of JJ's sweatshirts.

"I didn't say you could take from the 'borrowed' pile," I say, annoyed at my sister.

"If I go to school next year wearing one of JJ McKenzie Jr's sweatshirts, I will practically be famous," Hazel tells me.

"I don't care," I say. "Give it back!"

"You don't deserve it," she says with a frown. "I don't understand why you would leave JJ to go back to someone like Mitchell."

"It's complicated," I say, dropping a necklace into the "gifts" pile.

"Yeah, and that's why everyone calls you a player behind your back," says Hazel. She points to the "gifts" pile. "This is nice stuff; I'm taking it if you're getting rid of it."

"I don't like to keep things that are just memories of something that ended badly," I say with a shrug. "And I am not a player!"

"And Klaus Mikaelson isn't a vampire," Hazel says, raising an eyebrow. "You cheated on Mitchell with Garfield and then went straight to Garfield. Then you flirted with JJ, broke up with Garfield, and then went to JJ. After that, you totally led Cole on and then cheated on JJ with Mitchell."

"I did not lead Cole on!" I protest. "He just gave me a lot of attention."

"You have serious commitment issues," Hazel says before leaving the room.


All I can think about during supper is how everybody thinks I'm a player. How am I supposed to fix this?

"I skipped Eric's birthday party to get a head start on the school year," Jordan tells the family proudly. Jordan's school doesn't start for another three weeks. Amber and I are leaving for Savannah next week, though.

"Son," my dad begins. "You need to stop putting school before your social life. Summer is the time to strengthen your friendships, not get a completely unnecessary head start on your last year of middle school."

"It was just one time, Bob," Jordan says meekly.

The rest of my siblings gasp with huge smiles on their faces.

"Jordan," says my mom. "Why did you just call your father by his first name?"

Jordan runs out of the dining room.


Hazel and I arrive at Amber and Zach's house for the graduation party Zach is throwing for the Walrus Pizza seniors. Considering how JJ and Mitchell will both be here, this might be the most awkward night of my life. Oh well.

The Daniels' have always had some money, and Zach is really showing it off with this party. There's karaoke set up on their huge back porch and a giant outdoor movie screen by the bonfire, along with tons of lights. I barely notice when the sun goes down because it's so bright.

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