Chapter 21 (Lilla)

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On Thursday morning, I am late for breakfast. Tess usually has the responsibility of waking Madison and me up, but she rudely forgot.

I trudge into the Mess Hall with Madison beside me. Unfortunately, the only table with two empty seats has Mitchell sitting at it, along with Jason, Caleb, and, surprisingly, Kayla Woodward. I sit down across from Mitchell as Madison slides in next to me.

"So two girls from our cabin asked Ron to the movie," I say, knowing Mitchell will find this interesting.

"Good for him," he grumbles, stabbing his pancake with his fork.

"Do either of you have a date?" Caleb asks Madison and me, gesturing at us with his cereal spoon.

That's disgusting.

"I have a boyfriend," I reply, trying my best not to appear offended by the cheerio-caked spoon.

"I don't have one," Madison says quietly.

"Well then," says Caleb with a satisfied grin. I'm worried for my friend.

"Jack Gardner is young and single," Caleb informs her.

"He would be a great choice!" Mitchell adds cheerfully.

"Ask him!" Caleb says with a grin. "For the sake of all our ears." He adds more quietly.

"What did you just say?" I ask, quickly slamming my cup down so hard it bounces onto the floor.

Everybody begins to cheer and clap.

"That was beautiful!" Mitchell says to me, wiping a fake tear from his eye.

"Don't change the subject!" I say. This time I'm the one pointing with a spoon covered in cereal.

"Jack messes up our shower choir," Jason explains at last.

"Then why do you want me to go out with him?" Madison asks incredulously.

"Yeah!" I agree, raising an eyebrow.

"He's got some good qualities as well!" Caleb assures her.

"Like," I encourage.

The boys sit in silence for a few seconds. Mitchell opens his mouth and then closes it. Caleb's eyes light up, but then he looks down at his plate.

I make eye contact with Kayla and roll my eyes. The poor girl must be miserable. She just smiles at me and shakes her head.

"Enough!" Jason exclaims at last. "We should not be trying to set up a nice, pretty girl like Madison with a slightly creepy guy like Jack."


"That was some compliment," Kayla comments after some awkward silence.

I notice that Madison has turned very red and is looking down at her plate. Jason's eyes widen after he realizes what he has done.

He begins to swat at Caleb and Mitchell. I'm guessing that they're kicking him from under the table.

Jason eventually composes himself.

"Madison," he says. The redhead glances up from her plate.

"Will you go to the movie with me?" Jason asks her.

"Yes!" Madison says enthusiastically.

"Great!" Jason replies, looking relieved.


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