Chapter 8 (Bridget)

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After the graduation ceremony, my family takes me out for lunch and then to Lilla's party around 6.

"So, how do you feel?" My mom asks me as we drive down the road

"Relieved. But also sad because I'm going to miss everyone." I reply. It's going to be weird not seeing all those crazy people on a daily basis.

"Are Justin and Lilla dating?" Crystal asks randomly.

"Why are you asking that?" I reply.

"Because they kissed last night in that weird play!" Crystal exclaims. Weird play? I guess it was worse than I thought.

"Well, first of all, they stage kissed, so it wasn't actually kissing," I tell Crystal matter-of-factly.

"Were you jelly that they stage kissed?" Peter asks me mischievously.

"No, Peter! I have a boyfriend, ugh!" I respond, disgusted.

I'm completely over Justin. Gross. Why are we even talking about this anyway? We pull up behind a line of cars and get out. Unfortunately, my entire family is attending the party. Hazel runs over to Evening. Why is she here? I make a mental note to stay away from her. Where's JJ? I see Lilla talking to Amber. I walk over to them.

"Hey, guys! Have you seen JJ?" I ask.

"Why would I keep tabs on JJ?" Lilla responds irritably. I raise my eyebrows questionably at Amber.

"Justin stole her soda before she could even open it and high-fived JJ," Amber explains.

"Oh," I say and hurry over to where JJ is hanging out with Michael, Chad, Jack, and of course, Justin. They all say hi, and I sit down next to JJ.

"May I interest you in a lemonade?" Asks Jack, pushing a cup towards me.

"No thanks," I answer, pushing it back towards him.

"Oh! REJECTED!" Yells Chad, and he high-fives Justin. Right! I'm supposed to defend Lilla.

"JJ, I need to ask you a question," I address him.

"I'm listening," says Justin, bringing his hand up to his ear.

"Ew! Not you," I say in disgust.

"Oh! Rejected again!" Chad yells and high-fives Michael.

Once I've taken care of that issue, Ryan's band starts playing. I will never fail to be amazed by Chet's spectacular singing skills. JJ stands up,

"Alright! I'm ready to talk to Lilla. Come on, Justin,"

"No way! I'm going to chat up those ladies over there." Justin says, defiantly, "someone is getting way too much attention."

We follow his gaze over to where Cole is talking to some girls. Poor Cole. He might never get a girlfriend.

"Fine then!" Says JJ, and the two of us head over to where Lilla is opening a bottle of Sprite. She spots JJ and shouts,

"Don't come any closer!" JJ throws up his hands in surrender.

"I came to apologize!" Lilla's mouth drops open in surprise.

"Well, in that case, I accept your apology." They shake hands, and JJ gets ambushed by Hazel and Evening.

I decide not to get involved and instead turn to Lilla, who is glaring at something. I follow her glare over to where Justin is. He spanks Cole and sends him running. Justin then smiles at the girls. Poor Cole. I would say something about it, but Lilla already looks angry enough. It's nice to know that she cares about how Cole is treated.

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