Chapter 26 (Mitchell)

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"Great," I hear Spencer say as he enters the restroom. All the stalls must be taken.

"Shouldn't have drank all that lemonade, Spencer!" I hear Marco say from another stall.

"I really have to go!" Spencer complains.

"Would you all shut it?" I hear some random guy say.


The airport is super busy this morning.

"Everybody stick together!" Says Mr. Hayes.

"Come on, Lilla, pick up the pace!" Garfield says jokingly.

"Maybe I would if you would just help me out!" Lilla responds angrily. She is dragging two suitcases and carrying a backpack.

"I can't!" Says Garfield, who also has two suitcases.

"We get it!" Says Liam. "You both are total divas!"

"Nice one, Prince Harry!" Says Ryan, raising his hand for a high-five, which Liam does not return.

"Lilla and Justin are about to break up," Bridget says as she walks to my left.

"I'll bet you the window seat that they pull it together," Amber says as she walks to my right.

"That's really immature," I say.

"Did Mitchell seriously just call us immature?" Says Amber.

"That's weird coming from him," says Bridget.

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" I say.

"Come on, everyone!" Says Mr. Hayes.

"We don't want to miss our flight!" Says Mr. Stoker.

Lilla is really struggling with her luggage. Jason grabs one of her suitcases for her. That was actually pretty decent of him.

"I'm so done with you!" Lilla says to Garfield.

"It's not my fault you have too many clothes!" Garfield retorts. Much to our teachers' dismay, we all have stopped walking to watch this ordeal.

"Speak for yourself!" Says Lilla, gesturing to Garfield's two suitcases.

"Come on, guys," Jason steps between them. "Can't we all just get along?"

"We're done, Garfield," says Lilla.

"Fine then!" Says Garfield.

"Fine!" Says Lilla. Everyone is silent, waiting to see what will happen next.

"Give me another chance!" Garfield says after a full minute of silence.

"Okay, fine!" Says Lilla.

"New record!" Says Marco, and he begins to whistle and clap. Everyone joins in, including me.

"Check in your bags!" Says Mr. Stoker. Those of us who are not divas and have carry-ons follow Mr. Hayes.

"Let's hope we can make it through security," Cole jokes.

Only Mr. Hayes laughs.

"Good one, Cole! Start taking your shoes off, everybody!"

"Suckers!" Jack says as he takes off his slides.

"Those are designer," Bridget says to those nearest to her.

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