Chapter 17 (Bridget)

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The sky is clear and bright. I sit down on the green grass in my front yard. On the other side of the street, an orange truck sits with the driver standing next to it. The truck bed is filled to the brim with toys. I find myself walking over to the driver, who looks like he's in his early thirties with a slight beard.

"Excuse me, sir," I begin. "Did you steal those toys?"

The man pulls out a shotgun and aims it at me.

"Shut up, kid."

I wake up in a cold sweat. That was way too realistic. Hazel sits at her vanity blasting music. I've learned to sleep through it. I glance out the window for a second. No, it couldn't be! There's an orange truck across the street, and the truck bed is filled with toys!

"Hazel!" I shriek.

"Good morning," she replies, not turning around.

"We need to have a neighborhood watch meeting!" I say, panicking.

I hurry and get dressed and ready for the day. I rush past the kitchen.

"Breakfast?" My mom asks me. "Saturday cinnamon rolls!" She adds.

"Breakfast?" I repeat. "There's no time for breakfast during a crisis like this!"

"I'll eat her share," offers Peter, sitting at the table with a few of my siblings.

"Breakfast is a very important part of the day," my mom begins.

"No time!" I say again and text Cole.

A few minutes later, Cole, my siblings, and I are all sitting in the front yard in lawn chairs.

"So you had a dream about that truck?" Cole asks after I tell them the problem.

"Yes! And he is up to something bad. I can feel it," I say, leaning forward in my blue lawn chair.

"I think you're delusional," says Hazel, standing up.

"I am not!" I protest, snapping a quick picture of the truck with my phone.

"He had a gun?" Jordan asks nervously.

"Is JJ coming?" Crystal asks me.

"No. This only involves the neighborhood." I reply.

"But isn't he your boyfriend?" Hazel adds. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to take a break from dating JJ, not that I would.

"Shush!" I exclaim. "Cole is right there! We don't need to hurt his feelings!"

"What?" Cole says. "Why would that bother me?"

"Because, um," I can't bring myself to say it.

"Do you think Journey prefers Liam or me?" Cole says, clearly not paying attention to what I'm trying to say.

"Liam's British, enough said," Hazel tells Cole.

"That doesn't mean anything!" Says Peter, jumping to Cole's defense.

I spot Ryan walking on the sidewalk with a beagle on a leash. What is he doing here?

"Ryan!" I wave him over to our yard. I get a closer look at the dog.

"Is that the Walkers' dog?" I ask.

"Yes. Yes, it is," Ryan replies with no further explanation. I've given up trying to get Ryan to explain his behavior. I still don't know what happened the other day when he kidnapped Cole.

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