Chapter 2 (Bridget)

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Ah, I feel so peaceful. Someone jumps on me. I open one eye.

"Wake up!" It's my little sister, Crystal. I open my other eye. Hazel, my other little sister, is singing along to a Demi Lovato song.

"And this is what Bridget looks like when she first wakes up." My brother, Michael, hops onto my bed, holding an iPad. I knock it out of his hands.

"Hey!" He cries.

"Michael," starts my other brother, Peter, walking toward him. "Jordan slept with his school clothes on, and he's going to wear them today!"

"Ew!" I say, and my mom enters my room.

"You guys better be ready in ten minutes." And she exits.

"Well, we'll leave you to that. You guys take FOREVER to pick out your clothes." Says Peter. I decide on my Flash T-shirt, Supergirl Converse, and a Green Arrow baseball cap.

"You look like a geeky farmer," says Hazel.

"I don't care!" I say back and hop into my car. After getting to school, I make my way over to my group of people. My friend, Lilla, is talking.

"So guys, Levi took his first steps last night!"

"Awesome!" Says Chad, "my sister totaled her car last night."

"Well. That is very unfortunate," says my boyfriend JJ. Everyone is silent.

"That took a dark turn," says Journey. I head to Science and sit next to my friend, Kelli. Mr. Tarmink starts talking.

"Psst!" Says this really annoying guy, Jack. He slides his number over to me. I make eye contact with him and rip the paper in half. Kelli giggles. Spencer chucks a pen at Jack, who is sitting in front of him. It bounces off Jack's shoulder.

"Ouch! Spencer, that hurt! I'm telling your mom," Jack responds.

"My mom isn't here," says Spencer.

"Then I'll text her," Jack pulls out his phone.

"You have her number?" Kelly asks incredulously.

"," Jack is embarrassed. Mr. Tarmink is paying no attention to this. Wow.


After my last class, I start to head to drama but remembered that Mr. Hayes wants the leaders of Walrus Pizza to meet with him. I rush over to his classroom. My fellow leaders: Lilla, Ryan, Mitchell, Jason, Michael, Becky, and Megan, are waiting with Mr. Hayes.

"I have some very exciting news!" Says Mr. Hayes.

"Yay! Exciting news!" Says Ryan.

"So some business people have been to your little restaurant, and they want to turn into a chain restaurant!" Mr. Hayes tells us. We look around at each other in shock. What? Michael and Lilla clear their throats at the same time.

"Sir, are you serious?" Asks Michael.

"Yes," says Mr. Hayes.

"Whoa," whispers Megan.

"Next month, you all can travel to Toronto to their headquarters to close the deal." Says Mr. Hayes, and he tells us to leave.

"This is amazing!" I say as we walk to the school auditorium for Eclipse rehearsals.

"I know," agrees Jason. We head over to where we're supposed to be.

"Do you know that Mitchell has a foreign exchange student with him?" Asks my friend, Riley, while we hand people their costumes.

"It isn't polite to gossip, Riley," I reply. Mitchell walks over to us, holding a basket of broken porcelain doll heads. A guy who looks like he's from one of those Narnia movies follows him.

"How's it going, Riley?" Mitchell asks politely. She looks suspiciously at his basket.

"Um, well," she continues to back away from the basket. I decide to change the subject.

"Who's your friend?" I ask Mitchell.

"Liam-" Mitchell's friend starts to say.

"Hemsworth?" Interrupts Jemma, strolling past us.

"Nah. He looks more like William Moseley from Narnia." Puts in Kate, following Jemma. Liam clears his throat.

"Ahem. As I was saying. Liam Kingsley. A pleasure to meet you," I shake his hand and walk away.

"Ooh, who was that?" Lilla slides up to me.

"Mitchell's friend," I reply.

"Never mind," she responds and grabs her costume.

"They actually are not friends," says Ryan, appearing from out of nowhere.

"Whaaaa-where did you come from?" Asks Riley.

"Exactly," Ryan answers, winking at her.

"I'm gonna go do something else," Riley leaves the area. I don't blame her.

"Why aren't they friends?" Asks Lilla.

"He's a foreign exchange student, and he's really annoying. I spent a while in the restroom doing his hair this morning. Loser" replies Ryan.

"I don't care," Lilla runs off.

"Interesting," observes Ryan.

"She just took the breakup hard," I reply.

"Obviously," he responds.

"RYAN! GET UP HERE!" Someone screams.

"Catcha later," Ryan disappears again.

"Quit standing there and get to work!" Mitchell shouts across the room at me.

"Kay, in a minute!" I yell back. What is wrong with everyone today?

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