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The lone sound of footsteps as the woman hid from the enemy, gun in her hand that she held ever so tightly as she hid behind the walls of a certain deserted area of town

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The lone sound of footsteps as the woman hid from the enemy, gun in her hand that she held ever so tightly as she hid behind the walls of a certain deserted area of town.

The suspect lured around, a bottle of beer in his hand as he glided around, receiving the many stares of passerbys who gave a look of disgust.

She turned to peek st her victim, who skipped around the alley, looking like he was enjoying life to  the fullest. As he turned, the woman's gun pointed to his forehead, as she came out from the shadows.

"Woah woah woah" the man stepped back a little. "What's a preety girl like you going out at 4am with a gun in her hand. Its dangerous you know." He pouted. The woman scrunched her face in disgust as she smelled the strong reek of alcohol coming from the man. "Hold on." The man stated. Taking his phone out, he scanned through what seemed like his gallery and smiled.

"I know who you are!" He squealed. "You were that woman in the club last week!" He waved the bottle, causing some to splash on her. Just kill him, she thought as she pointed the gun against his forehead kne more time.

"Listed here." She snarled at the man. "I don't have all day so I need  you to cooperate or this bullet I  here will go straight in your skull.

The man froze, earning a smirk from the woman. "Tell me everything you know about the Bleeding Killers." She seethed. At once, the bottle he was waving came straight, aiming to her head. Her hand that acted quick defended before feeling the pieces of glass pierce her skin as she hissed in pain. Without a moment of hesitation, she pulled the trigger, causing the man to fall back, dead.

Chaerin pulled the glass from her hand not caring whether it was deep or not and proceeded to throw it to the dead body, bot caring where it landed. It could land on his dick for all I care, she thought. The woman pulled her cap down as she shoved the gun in her back pocket, leaving the place.

A familiar buzz from her pocket came as she fished her phone out. It was an unfamiliar number, as she had observed. Picking up, she heard the melodic laugh of the one man.

"Hello, princess" Chaerin rolled her eyes at the new profound nickname given as she began walking. Stares were given but she wouldnt care less. "When are you coming home. Its lonely not being able to fight with someone." He snickers, earning a string of curses from the other as she hung up, walking down the streets of Seoul to the base.

Yes this is written at 1am simply because I couldn't sleep

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Yes this is written at 1am simply because I couldn't sleep.

Anyways who's team are you for the rooftop fight?

I'm on team Renjun

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