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"So what have yours and Chaerin's relationship evolve to?"

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"So what have yours and Chaerin's relationship evolve to?"

Jeno and Jaemin were in the base as early as six o'clock, practicing a few punches with each other. Jaemin's ears perked up at the mentioned of the statement as he looked at Jeno, who had a questionable look on his face. "Uhh" To be honest, Jaemin himself had no idea. Last night was the only night they've encountered each other without the urge to yell or kill each other so that was improvement, Jaemin thought. "Smoking buddies?" He questioned.

The other let out a chuckle, throwing a few more punches before flopping onto the floor, sweat dripping down his face. Jaemin sighed as he sat on the floor, passing Jeno a bottle of water, the latter thanking him. "I don't know, to be honest." He confessed, earning a stare from the other. The both of the starred at each other before the latter watched Jeno get up from the floor. "That's enough practice. I'm hungry." He huffed, packing his things in the bag he had brought. The other smiled, getting up as well before following the other out.

 The other smiled, getting up as well before following the other out

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The hot coffee from the mug he was carrying had spilt on his t-shirt, causing the burning hot liquid to make contact with his t shirt he was wearing. He sighed, getting up and pulling out a bunch of tissues from the box beside his table as he dapped it on his clothes, trying to avoid the burning sensation on his skin.

The door of the office he was in opened, revealing Jaehyun. He smiled, but had faded once he saw what was happening. Quickly, he had rushed over to where the man was standing and grabbed the mug out of his hands. "Are you okay?" He had asked once Taeyong had settled down. He gave a nod, not realizing that Jaehyun had been starring at him for the longest time.

"Taeyong have you been sleeping?" The question rolled out of his mouth casually causing the other to freeze. Has he? The last time he slept was what? Three days ago? Obviously with the tired look on his face and the obvious dark circles under his eyes. His shaky hands that would occasionally spill or drop things, just like the coffee just now and the  occasional yawning. 

"Yeah I have. Don't worry about me" He yawned, throwing the tissue into the bin behind him. Jaehyun shooked his head. "Nuh uh. You're going up to your room, and you're going to sleep" he started.

The latter got up to argue, but without noticing, the other had slipped the neo's leader's phone into his pocket. It was only when he was about to go out of the office, when he realized something was wrong.

"You're painfully like my mother" Taeyong grumbled a few incomprehensible words before going out, closing the door behind him.

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