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" Ouch!"

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" Ouch!"

Chaerin shrieked as she felt Kun place a needle in her arm. She was drained out. Completely out of energy. The moment she stepped out of the car she had puked. Twenty minutes had gone by until she came out, feeling drained out.

"It came by surprise. I'm sorry." Kun had apologised before attaching a tube into it, allowing the drip to enter her body.

(I dont know what in talking about here. I mean I do know but I dont know how to explain. Its 2.30 please excuse me)

The woman laid down on the bed where Kun had instructed to. He went out of the room, awaiting the results for the tests she had done. Strands of hair fell on her face, as she brushed them out in annoyance.

"You feeling okay?" She heard Aerum speak from the entrance of the room  she was in. Holding up a small smile, she nodded her head.

She had no idea that Aerum helped Kun around in the clinic. The Aerim she knew would be the one making wounds rather than mending them. She sees the other raise a thumbs up as her small figure retracts from there. She is now alone.

She felt her eyes go weak, it was probably from the lack of sleep she had last night. Ignoring the commotion outside that was happening for some reason, she laid back, allowing sleep to consume her body.

Jaemin opened the door and stepped into the clinic

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Jaemin opened the door and stepped into the clinic. It was quiet, yet peaceful. A place he would like to spend the time in if it werent for the missions he was given. He saw Kun and Aeru., going through some papers at the pantry.

He knocked on the door, smiling a little when Kun allowed him to. He greeted the both of them as he sat on an empty chair by the corner. "Whose tests are those?" He asked, taking a sip of the tea Kun had offered. "Chaerin's" he replied, turning yet another page of the results.

He felt his body go weak at the mention of her name. He stood up in shock, startling the both of them. Kun pointed to the room outside, knowing what he wanted.

Taking a peek inside, he walked in as he sat on a chair by the bedside. The woman was asleep, as he had observed.

So he sat there and watched.

Her chest go up and down by every breath she took, the male found it cute on how she would scrunch her nose up once in a while. Her brown hair was untied, allowing her wavy hair to flutter around, some strands going onto her face.

Without consciousness, Jaemin's hands had touched her face, gently removing the hair from her face a d tucking it behind her ear. Realising what he had done, he retracted his hand, widening his eye.

No no no he thought. I certainty did not do that. He looked at his hand and back to her.  This time, with consciousness, he brought his hand to her head, gently patting it.

Why did it feel so wrong, yet so right?

Why did it feel so wrong, yet so right?

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