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Nakamoto Yuta said in the small clinic bed, shaking his legs as he looked around. The young latter was bored. He had been sitting there for the past hour, waiting for Kun, the team's doctor to meet him. Two hours passed by yet no sight of him, which made Yuta a little pissed. He had done a variety of things from over feeding the fishes in the office, playing with the many stressballs that Kun owned to taking a nap on the bed itself.

Yuta was about to walk out of the clinic when the door of the office opened. A man walked in with a bloody hand that was bandaged, a few bruises and cuts on his body and a broken spectacles that he saw when he reached out to his pocket, placing it on the table. The man grabbed the first aid kit from the shelves and placed it beside Yuta, who furrowed his eyes in confusion.

"I'm late I know. I'm sorry. The Blee-"

"Holy fuck you look like shit here let me help you" Yuta cut of his conversation as he grabbed the bottle of antiseptic and dabbed it on the cuts. He knew what the latter was going to say. He didnt need to finish his sentence.

"How's your leg? Any improvements?" Kun asked. Yuta nodded his head, causing the other to smile. "I can walk properly now" he answered. "But I cant walk for too long or run".  The younger mumbled a string of curses as Yuta tried not to laugh. "Why would you run?" Kun should his aid as he went to keep the first aid kit.

The door of the clinic opened once more, revealing Lee Jeno. He smiled as he walked over to Yuta, who was still sitting on the bed. "Jaemin is out. I had to bail him early. We need him" Jeno spoke. Yuta smirked as he played with one of Kun's stress ball.

"Time to show these fuckers who we are"

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Jung Chaerin?"

The woman had stepped out of the bathroom and was washing her hands when someone, oddly too familiar called. Chaerin wasn't the type of person to know someone for along time. She turned around and saw a woman, probably in her early 20s, staring back at her with her hazelnut orbs. Chaerin furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remeber where she had met the woman before.

"I dont think you would regconise me. But I'm Huang Aerum." The woman said. Chaerin knew her. She used to go to the same school as both Chaerin and Jaehyun alongside her twin brother, Huang Renjun. Both Aerum and Renjun were from China, but moved to Seoul when they were five. Both of them were art students from what she remebered, until a fight broke out between the both of them and the footballplayers who in Chaerin's defence, jackasses. The next day, they were never to been seen again.  Seven years later, she is in front of her. No wonder Huang Renjun looked familiar she thought.  

Chaerin smiled. Aerum and her were close friends. Since Chaerin knew chinese, it was easy for her to communicate with both Aerum and Renjun. She went closer to the woman and hugged her, causing the other to freeze in place before akwardly hugging her back. "How are you? It's been a long time."  Chaerin had asked. Aerum amiled.  "I've been doing great. Renjun and I are now part of the family here so this is much better than what we had." She chuckled as she spoke, but Chaerin saw the glint of sadness on her face when she spoke about it.

No one in the mafia had a strong relationship with their parents. The main reason why they had join the mafia world was to get back at people, the people who had hurt them, or who had hurt the people they love. That was most of their main points. Renjun and Aerum had one goal, kill the people who killed their parents.

"I'm glad you two are okay. I have to go, let's talk when we have the chance" Chaerin said, giving one last hug to the woman infront of her before walking out of the bathroom.

 I have to go, let's talk when we have the chance" Chaerin said, giving one last hug to the woman infront of her before walking out of the bathroom

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