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So I don't usually write an a/n before a chapter but this is the same chapter just a way different plot. I didn't like the chapter I wrote before this so please bear in mind.

Monday, three days before the masquerade ball

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Monday, three days before the masquerade ball.

A certain male had been in a good mood today. Walking to his office with a cup of coffee in his hand while the other held his computer as well as a file.

He walks in, greeting the cool ambiance of his office. Files were already on the table as well as some boxes that he knew he would look into later. He closed his eyes, breathing in the smell of peach he had sprayed around his office just now. He felt relaxed.

Or so he thought.


The coffee Taeyong held on his right hand had spilt a little, as he held onto the papers tightly. He turns around after putting the coffee down, only to see Chenle smiling from ear to ear.

"Jeez, Chenle, you almost gave him a heart attack." Taeil enters, giving Taeyong a file. Chenle walks towards the male and places the file down. "That's not important. This is." He hands the file to the leader. Taeyong looks confused, usually no one would dare to do the act Chenle had committed. But then again, it could be important, he thought as he started flipping the pages.

His eyes wandered. All of it seemed like it was just writings and articles. So he sighed, turning to the last page of the file. He widened his eyes at the handwriting.

Contract of Agreement

Blood Moon ×  Neo

"Chenle how-" To say the latter was stunned was an understatement. How did he get this?

The contract that had been made by both Taeyong and Jaehyun were confidential. No one, other than the both of them had laid  hands on the contract. It was kept in a place only the both of them knew, which was the storage room.


"Apparently the day Aerum had been shot was when one of the bleeding killers members had broken into the safe where the contract was held. Aerum was in the medical room, where the contract was kept in the safe box behind the syringes, which I admit, was a good hiding place. The gang had seen her near the place, and had shot her. We found the hidden footage of it a few days ago." Chenle confessed.

"How did it take so long? From what I remembered, she was shot about 3 weeks ago?" Taeyong asked.

"Plus, where were the bodyguards surrounding the area? Don't we always have Kim Minseok and Yang Jaegun on the watch?" Taeil questioned while he gritted his teeth. A members life is at stake and where were they?"

"When we arrived at the scene the next day, the cameras were broken into half and hanging on the wires, both Renjun Johnny and Ten hyung had to retrieve the drive from the camera and fixed it. I t took a long process since the cameras were practically smashed."

"As for the bodyguards, Jaemin and Chaerin had found them bleeding and unconscious. They were immediately taken in. Kim Minseok is in critical condition whereas Yang Jaegun had died at the scene."

"Do what happened to the cameras?" Taeyong asked.

"We managed to get the drive and found the footage. Apparently when the intruder had walked in, they immediately wiped out both camera one and five. When they had shot Aerum, they realised that camera 7 had been recording and so they smashed it which probably explains why that was the hardest to fix." Chenle spoke.

Taeyong turned around and smirked. Grabbing the coffee that was still hot, he drank until there was none left.

"Taking out these guys may seem as easy as we thought"

"Taking out these guys may seem as easy as we thought"

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