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Chaerin thanked the cashier as she walked out of the convivence store

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Chaerin thanked the cashier as she walked out of the convivence store.

It was currently 3 in the morning, around twenty minutes since she stormed out of the house. Chaerin sighed, poking a hole into the box drink she had bought and took a sip. The strong taste of green tea had hit her,making her calm

Part of her was sore, hurt, yet angry. Angry at the male for pulling that stunt, angry because the male had not hear her out before jumping  in conclusions, angry at the male for directing his anger and  pain to her. Angry at the male itself.

Yet angry at herself for falling for the male. 

Sure, they had a lot of missions together, and every time the male would be there to either save her or mock her. Yet she felt warm as he smiled, or even smirked at her for the smallest things, the shooting practices where they would throw remarks at each other, or even the times they had hung out in the balcony, having a stick in their hands as they talked about stupid shit and cry over high school maths. 

She smiled, remembering the time where Jaemin would tend to her wounds even when she refused, the male's soft hands over the wound and dabbing it softly, trying to remove the dried blood on her knees. It felt like a mother's touch, soft as ever. 

It was the most love she had ever received.

"He probably never cares for you." Chaerin thought, mindlessly wiping away the tears that had unconsciously dropped. The woman mindlessly walked around, enjoying the rather cold night. The box drink was long gone, the empty paper box thrown into one of the public trash cans around the street. As she looked up, watching as it started to drizzle, she pauses, turning around to walk back home. 

Only to be pulled in an alley right behind her.

"What the fuck" she muttered, hands gripping on her waist tightly, her nails digging to the skin. She struggles to get out of the anonymous grip. Chaerin lets out a groan as her back hits the concrete wall, causing her to fall to the ground.

"Hello, my love" the familiar voice of a certain male resonates through the alley. A hand was on her shoulders, gripping it harshly, causing her to grit her teeth. 

"What the fuck Kihyun." She snapped, kicking his legs. Kihyun just smiled, kneeling one of his legs onto both of hers trapping there.

"Shoot me and your pathetic excuse of a  brother will fall asleep for the last time" Kihyun grits his teeth, yanking the gun away from her.

"Sweetheart" he coos, reaching his hands out as he wiped away the hair from her face. " Why don't you come home with me? Hmm. I'll give you everything."

Chaerin chuckles, sticking up an middle finger as a sign to fuck off.

"Ah, that's not a nice thing to be doing to your fiancé am i right love?" He caresses her hair for a short while, before yanking it towards him. 

The woman below reaches her hands out, desperately trying to free the deathly grip of the man. He chuckles, pulling out a weapon from the back of his pocket. Going unnoticed by Chaerin, he presses the knife to her abdomen, earning a hiss from her. 

She remembers getting a bruise there from the earlier fight in the bathroom, and the knife was so close, one breath and she could get stabbed. 

"Its so nice seeing you struggle when you can't get out of anything. I followed you everywhere, darling, yet you never saw me. Your attention was on some dickead that never gave two shits about you, huh? Tell me, was it a turning point for him when he cried, after you had gone?" Kihyun drags the knife to her throat, pressing it just so enough blood would draw. It wasn't much to kill, but it earned a hiss from the girl.

"Your father trusted me with you, and in return he would offer me anything, so tell me, darling." Kihyun  removes the knife from her throat, coming close to her ear.

" What relation does Roo Jae Kyung have with your father?" 

" What relation does Roo Jae Kyung have with your father?" 

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