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"Sir we have a problem"

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"Sir we have a problem"

Jaehyun looked up from the screen of his computer with a questioning look on his face. Xiaojun, who was standing in front of him handed over the file to him, a sigh escaping his mouth. It took Jaehyun a few minutes of flipping the pages of the file given to realise something was wrong.

Very wrong.

"You mean this was the guy we killed?" He questioned. The latter in front of him nodded his head. "This is bad." He mumbled. Closing the file and placing it beside him, he gave a look to Xiaojun, the man immediately knowing as he excused himself, walking out of the room not forgetting to close the door behind him.

The said male rushed over to the clinic, where both Kun and Yuta were there. He entered the clinic, noticing the quiet atmosphere surrounding him. Shotaro was long gone, having been stable enough to walk. Kun was in the pantry where he and Yuta had their lunch. Knocking the door twice, he heard the mumbles of him allowing to enter before he did, placing himself on one of the plastic chairs of the pantry with a sulk on his face.

Some members of Blood Moon and Neo had gone closer and became friends. Like Mark, Haechan, Chenle and Jisung being closer to Jeno, Renjun and Jaemin. Kun, Yuta and Xiaojun had gone closer due to the amount of times Xiaojun had helped in the clinic. Chaerin and Aerum had also gone closer. And Jaemin and Chaerin well- smoking buddies as they mentioned.

"Hey, what's going on- did you just steal my bread?" Yuta questioned, watching the garlic bread go into the latter's mouth without hesitation. "I spent two whole nights figuring the leader of the bleeding killers and turns out I had led that girl kill his twin " He grumbled, taking another piece of bread from Yuta's container. "Hold on what?" Kun questioned. But before he could answer, the three members phone rang, the message popping out on their homescreen.

"Downstairs, now. I'm not waiting."


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"Neo and Blood Moon had officially joined hands"

The man on the chair turned around, looking at the male in front of him. He smiled, taking the cup of coffee in his hands, stirring it. "Is that so?" He sipped his coffee. "Do you have the file of the members?" He asked. The latter in front of his fidgeted his hands.

"I may have not gotten full information but here are some members-"

"I gave you a whole week and you come up with 15 members from both Neo and Blood Mom?!" He yelled. The male in front of his flinched, not expecting an outburst from the man. "Hand me the darn file" He snapped. As the other placed the file on the table, his right hand was caught, the grip on his hands were so tight.

"You know what happens when you slack of right?" He glares. Pulling out his gun, he shot the male, the lifeless body fell on the ground, a pool of blood covering it.

The sudden sound caused the other member to enter, seeing the dead on the floor. "Clean that up, and burn his body." He spoke, not sparing a glance. The male on the chair flipped the file open, as he scanned through the information's as well as the profile.

"Jung Chaerin is in a gang?" He questioned. "Yes sir. She was one of he first members that joined the gang, alongside Lee Taeyong and Jeong Jaehyun." He answered, now cleaning the floor where the blood was. He smiled, twirling the gun around his fingers.

"Well, Jung Chaerin huh? What's the harm in killing her one and only brother?"

 "Well, Jung Chaerin huh? What's the harm in killing her one and only brother?"

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Anyways Jaerin or Chaemin?

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