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"Jung Chaerin, meet Na Jaemin"

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"Jung Chaerin, meet Na Jaemin"

Taeyong's voice boomed in the hall as the two figures starred at each other. Jaemin stretched his hands out, as Chaerin reluctantly shooked it. The male knew from her gestures, she wasn't someone to play with, and she definetly dosent like handshakes. Chaerin forced out a smile to the figure infront of her, hoping she didn't seem rude just now. As the both of them stepped back, Taeyong stepped out. 

"The both of you have an important mission to do, so I expect the both of you to work together. The mission is very important that's why I need you two. The both of you are the best from eah team so I expect perfectness. Do not mess up. Understand?" Taeyong said. Both of them shooked their heads as Jaemin excused himself to go back to his room. Chaerin was about to step back when she had stepped on something.

Mud. No one went out, and certaintly Chaerin did not. She turned around, a shadow coming to light as she saw a figure behinfd the walls, turning around like nothing happened, she felt the figure coming closer.


The figure pulled out a gun.


Chaerin took a step back and slowly pulled out her gun.


"Chaerin?Are you okay? You look zoned out" She heard Jaehyun's voice. But none of that mattered right now. There was a figure behind her and it was going to shoot someone. 

Pulling out her gun in a speed of light, she turned around ever so swiftly and pulled the trigger of her gun. Shooting the leg on the figure of a man, he groaned as he stood out of the shadows limping in pain, as he was about to shoot, Chaerin knocked out the gun from the man and kicked him, causing him to fall from the ground. 

"What the-" She heard Johnny curse as two guards came and took him away, a bright metal chain was on the ground. Chaerin picked it up and inspected it, before tightening hr grip on the chain.

"These are Kihyun's men"

"We might've found something" 

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"We might've found something" 

Chaerin entered Taeyong's office. The male was seated on the chair as he scrolled through the file from the bleeding killers. Dropping the metal chain on his table, the leader jolted up as he saw it, inspecting it as hs furrowed his eyebrows. "These are necklaces, own by Kihyun's men. Im guessing he is another member of the bleeding killers, and I'm also guessing that Kihyun is the leader of the gang. "Chaerin sighed, taking a seat on the leather chairs in Taeyong's office. He sighed, drowning himself in a gulp of coffee. "Definetly, we have a file of the members, but what I dont understand is the reason why Neos and Blood Moon's profile." Taeyong said. "How did they get it?" She asked, rubbing her temples. A knock on the door was heard, and Jaemin walked in.

"We have new information." He said. "Apparently Kihyun himself got the info about Neo and Blood Moon. The man that came in was from Bleeding Killers." He said. Chaerin furrowed her eyebrows as she got up from the chair. "I'm going to talk to him." She said as she turned around, walking away. 

"Wait!" Jaemin said. Chaerin turned around , seeing the man in front of her passing her an rather large envolope. Inside, there were files and pictures, mainly her and the rest of the Blood Moon members. "This was found in the base that day, ask him about it." He said, walking out of the office.

" He said, walking out of the office

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