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The hall of the Neo headquarters were surrounded by people

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The hall of the Neo headquarters were surrounded by people. Some of the were in their night outfit, as it was late at night when the news had broke off. Some of the members like Jeno, Renjun and Yangyang had to be on patrol, searching for informations here and there.

Jaehyun sat down, alongside Taeyong beside him. The latter immediately got up once he heard the news, and wasted no time in sprinting down the stairs, momentarily tripping on air. Far to the back was Jaemin. He scanned around, seeing that Chaerin had entered the hall softly. Walking towards Doyoung who had greeted her  with a smile. Shotaro and Sungchan took a place beside Jaemin. The Japanese had sat down on one of the chairs as his leg had not been recovered fully. Sungchan stood beside Jaemin, the male offering a small smile to the other who returned it.

"Okay." Jaehyun's deep voice startled some of them, as the hall was quiet, only the sound of some heavy breathing as Jaehyun took a breath. "We have good news and bad news." He stated. "The bad news is that we had the wrong target this entire time. The person that Chaerin had killed was the father of the Bleeding Killer's leader. Once he is gone, all hell will break lose, and we will be attacked. Not today, maybe but just one day." He spoke, earning gasps from the others.

"Jaehyun and I had come up with a rule." Taeyong spoke. "Number one. I expect everyone to be home latest by 10." He said, earning groans from the members. "There are members that will work in the club and they are required to be home right after th club has closed." He spoke. "I expect all to be asleep by 3am. If I catch any of you still awake you with have it." He said. "Any questions?" Jaehyun asked.

A hand raised up, as the male stood. "What about Sungchan and Shotaro? They obviously will be in danger since they're afflicted with us." Lucas spoke. Jaehyun smiled. "That leaves us to the good news then."

"Congratulations Sungchan and Shotaro. The both of you are now members of Blood Moon"

Shotaro stood there, in the balcony of the Blood Moon's base

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Shotaro stood there, in the balcony of the Blood Moon's base. Most of the members were asleep. It was 1am, so some of them were awake, doing their work. The Japanese sighed as he remines about the happenings in the morning. He was in a gang, a famous one. And he was going to end up killing people, which was what he didn't want to. He wanted to live a normal life, like what his parents wanted. 

"Why so glum?" A voice appeared from the back. He turned around, seeing Taeyong standing in his usual white shirt and sweats. His blue hair was messy, and he looked like he had just woken up. "You should be asleep by now." He walks towards the other as he placed his hands on the railings.  Its nothing." Shotaro spoke, turning around to walk back to his room but he elder reached his hand out, grabbing the male's shoulder. 

The latter turned around, confused as he smiled. "There are two reasons why people stand on the balcony of the highest floor. One is the jump right of this building and can potentially kill yourself because of the height or two, they think about the shit they've done, negative things they did. I'm sure you wouldn't want to take the first option. So how about you tell me what's going on in the brain of yours." Taeyong smiles. 

"I don't know about all of this." Shotaro speaks. "I'm scared of joining, and I certainty don't want to kill people. I've killed people by force and that had traumatized me for so many years." He breathes, looking to the night sky as he heard the other sigh. "We wont make you kill people." The leader spoke. "However we will teach you to use a knife, and a gun. It is for your own safety, and the past where you had to kill. It wasn't your fault." He says. "You are in danger, and so is Sungchan. We could let you go, but that would be so risky and since Sungchan has been doing pretty good and you yourself, we have decided to pull you in."

Taeyong saw the worried look on the Japanese as he reached a hand out. "I know this is though. A whole new chapter will start from here. It's a whole life and death choice."  He spread his arms out awkwardly, making the younger smile as he hugged him. "I hope you look me and Jaehyun up not as just your boss but as a brother. I may not be the best at giving advice but we will try our best." He ruffled the Male's hair.

"So mind telling me why you came out of Jaehyun-hyung's room when it's late?" He asked, a smiled growing. "Let's not talk about that." He lightly smacked his arm, earning a giggle from the Japanese. "Now go sleep, you have a long day tomorow." The male said as he waved the younger goodbye as he walked back inside.

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