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Stepping outside of the bathroom  a certain male changed out of the fluffy sage coloured robe into a buttoned down blouse with a white shirt inside, paired with a pair of khaki pants

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Stepping outside of the bathroom  a certain male changed out of the fluffy sage coloured robe into a buttoned down blouse with a white shirt inside, paired with a pair of khaki pants. He dried his hair, humming to a familiar melody in his head when a knock on his door had distracted him.

Letting out a small come in, the door clicked open, as Renjun stands at the door. He looks sick, and disheveled. His hair is everywhere and his eyes are heavy, the eye bags being evident even from afar. Jaemin looks at the smaller boy with pity  knowing that he hadn't gotten a wink of sleep ever since Aerum got shot.

"Come in." He says softly. At that moment, the shorter male walked in slowly, as he slumped on his best friend's bed and cried once more.

Jaemin quickly shut the door, knowing that Renjun needed privacy as he walked towards him and pulled him to a hug. He sobbed, letting the tears fall once more as his shaky arms reached out to grab Jaemin.

"I dont know what to do." He sobs, grip tightening onto Jaemin's shirt. The other runs hi back in an attempt to make him feel better as he let's him hold his hand as tight as possible.

As he finally calms down, Jaemin doesn't let go. Instead, he brings Renjun to the middle of his bed and lays him down. "You need to sleep." The shorter pulled up in protest, but Jaemin shakes his head.

"Go to bed Renjun, dont worry."

Chaerin paced around the room

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Chaerin paced around the room.

Clearly, she wasnt in her right mind even when Jaehyun had told her to sit down. Her hands flew to the corners of her mouth  where she began biting her nails.

"Do you know how serious that mission is?" Chaerin spoke softly, not wanting to get angry at anyone at the moment. Jaehyun sighed, rubbing his temples as he scanned through the paperwork again. Yes, the mission was undeniably dangerous, yet, the others were full so it had no choice but to be both her and Jaemin once more.

"I dont get it." Chaerin speaks. "Why Jaemin and myself? I could go with Chenle or Jisung than ever go with that man." She sighs.

"Jaemin is one of the best in Neo. Plus Chenle cant shoot a gun properly and Jisung cant think straight." He answers. Chaerin sigh once more. "So what do I have to do?"

"Its simple. You and Jaemin act like a married couple and attend a ball where Kim is attending. Greet both him and his wife, and as he is distracted, attack. Chenle and Jisung with both be in the car scanning the building. Shotaro will take Renjun's place a monitor both yours an Jaemin's in ears. Taeil will be the driver and Yuta, Hendery and Yangyang will be with you two. Try not to screw this up, this is out last chance." Jaehyun speaks.

"Wouldnt he recognise me? I killed his twin remmeber?" Chaerin speaks. At that moment, the leader gets up as he walks to the cabinet. Pulling out two pairs of mask, she looked at him with curiosity. "Don't tell me-"

"Its a masquerade ball."

"Sweetheart, if you act like this around me, people are going to think I hate you

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"Sweetheart, if you act like this around me, people are going to think I hate you."

Chaerin groaned as she headed the familiar nickname. She turned around to see the man she had most expected.  What's with him? she thought, on moment he acts so nice to her and the next hes just downright rude.

Fuck men and invincible periods.

"What do you need?" She asks quickly, not wanting to be involved with him at the moment. Jaemin smiles as he puts his esrmuffs on as well as his goggles and grabs the fun form the table.

"Nothing much just wanting to be with you." He answers, pulling the first trigger of the metal barrel.

The other just nodded her head as she continued the task. So they stood there shooting in silence.

"This feels- therapeutic" she hears Jaemin say. As she asks what he meant, he replies "shooting with you, it feels nice." He says as she mentally rolls her eyes.

Fuck men with genuine periods

Fuck men with genuine periods

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First of all I would like to apologise for the inconsistent updates. School has been taking a toll and I still have some unfinished work. Since our country is under a movement control order for the third time, I do hope I may get time to be able to update my works. Byee and have a good day!

Also selamat hari Raya to all my muslim readers! (I know I'm a day late but Got second day as well right?

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