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Jaemin couldn't think, it was as if a block had been stuck in his head, interrupting his thoughts

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Jaemin couldn't think, it was as if a block had been stuck in his head, interrupting his thoughts.

All he wanted to do was to come out in one piece, all he wanted was everyone in the room who stepped in to come back in one piece.

But now with one of them being held hostage by the man he hated most, all he saw was red, and all he wanted to do was to stab that man till he felt satisfied.

"Let's play a game of riddles"

Kihyun's voice boomed through the speakers, causing the other to flinch by the sound.

"Are you ready Na?"

Jaemin sighed, nodding his head.

"First things first, let's go over the rules of this riddles"

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"First things first, let's go over the rules of this riddles"

"There are five riddles, for every wrong question, one mark would be made, and if you get more than two mistakes, well, I cannot guarantee the safety of your friend here."

He laughed, like a villan that had concurred the world, his laughed boomed the speakers, and a Jaemin could tell Renjun that he was sorry, and that if he could make it out alive, he would let him punch him in the face in payback.

"Let's start with question one shall we?"

Jaemin nodded.

"I want words, Na." Kihyun spoke.

"Yes, now give me the first question" Jaemin spat.

The other male smirked. "So impatient." He muttured.

"Question one,Name three consecutive days without naming any of the seven days of the week."

Jaemin smiled internally, remembering the riddle when he used to play with his mother back when he was 15.

"Yesterday, today and tommorow" He answered.

He could see the other's face fall for a second, but went back to his smirk.

"Good job Na, that wasn't so hard wasn't it."

"Question two, Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?"

"Shit" Jaemin mumbled, watching as Kihyun twisted the knife around his finger, awaiting the answer.

Think Jaemin think, he thought. His foot was tapping and his hands weren't still at all, Tring his best to answer it.

"Is it the letter C?"

For a moment, the knife went deep into his finger, drawing out blood as he looked at Jaemin. "Are you sure?" He asked, slightly hoping that the other changed his mind.

"No I'm sure, it's the letter C" Jaemin said again.

"Impressive. Question-"

"Wait I have a question."

Kihyun mentally rolled his eyes from the sudden interruption.

"Technically it's my last question right? I've answered both beginning questions correctly." Jaemin questions the other, ignoring the fact that he might have the capability of making a wound on Renjun due to the interuption.

"Yes " he sighed "it's your last question, if you get it right, I'll let him go, and I'll surrender, and my team will not go a mile near yours ever again."

"Promise me something else" Jaemin gritted his teeth.

"You will leave Chaerin alone, and not marry her."

An audible gasp was heard from Doyoung, and he was certain that the others were as well, but he continued.

"You will never step a foot near her ever again, the moment this is done and you're alive, you will walk to her parents house and tell them that you won't agree to the marriage, I want you to fucking take a video of yourself, ripping the marriage contract out and after that, I want you to leave, with your gang, out of Seoul and out of the world, and if I ever see you again, I will make sure I have your blood Yoo, and I fucking mean it."

"I am too in love with her to ever see her with another man, and I will pluck your eyeballs if you ever look into her direction again."

He spat, staring dead on to Kihyun, who was too stunned. He gritted his teeth, hands gripping the knife too tight his knuckles went white.

And all Doyoung's eyes could tell when the younger looked to his direction was holy fuck go off possessive boyfriend.

"Fine." Kihyun spat. " You win this, and I'll do it."

Jaemin smirked, cracking his knuckles as he looked to the direction of the camera's

"Bring it on."


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