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A couple of days had gone by, Chaerin was now back in the base, practicing her shoots

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A couple of days had gone by, Chaerin was now back in the base, practicing her shoots. The woman was well already, only sticking with her medicines given by the two doctor's. It was nine in the morning, assuming that most of them would be awake by now. She turned, reloading her bullets in her gun, before turning back to continue. 

She saw the door open, revealing a certain latter. She gave him a small smile, in which the latter awkwardly returned, walking towards the guns section. The room was silent, just the both of them, in that room, shooting. 

It was about ten forty five when they finally stopped. Chaerin walked towards her bag as she grabbed her water bottle, chugging the clear liquid down her throat. She saw Jaemin shoot a little, before he himself had stopped. He walked towards his bag as well, which was opposite of her, as he stared at her. She raised an eyebrow in question, causing the other to turn away. 

A that moment, their phones rang, indicating that a message had arrived. Jaemin looks at Chaerin, wo is already looking back at the latter. He smiles, placing his things in his bag, the other mirroring his actions. "Late one who reaches had to clean the other person's room for a week."


"Why the fuck do you two look like you just ran a marathon?"

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"Why the fuck do you two look like you just ran a marathon?"

The both of them had arrived at Jaehyun's office. Since they had arrived at the same time, it was hard to guess who actually reached first so to make both their lives easier, they decided to just drop the bet. Jaemin breathes out, grabbing his water bottle from the side of his bag as he finished the last drops of water. 

"You called? Chaerin asked. She to, was breathing heavily. The distance from the base to Jaehyun's office was a long one, that was the reason why there were elevators, but the two being themselves, had set the rules to not use any elevators. 

"We have a new mission for the both of you." Jaehyun ignored the groans and complains by the both of them. Giving the both of them files of the information needed for the specific mission, he excused the both of them, once again ignoring the rude stares and complains that came out. 

Once they exited, they both went their separate ways. Reaching his room, Jaemin let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Placing the file on his bed, he decided to look at it later. He hoped into the shower, the warm water hitting his bare body. He sighed in relief, as if the warm water was removing all the stress he had. 

He came out of the shower, a towel draped on his shoulders as he changed. He sat on the bed as he grabbed the file given. He opened the file, scanning through the pages as his eyes had landed onto a certain picture. Widening his eyes, he mumbled an oh shit as he turned to put his feet onto the ground. He got up, walking as fast as he could to Chaerin's room. But it was no use. 

Jaemin hear a knock on the door, revealing the woman. Holding up the file, she looked at him. Jaemin nodded to her, as a saying that he had already seen what was in. "This is bad." Chaerin stated. Jaemin looked at Chaerin once again, as she nodded. 

And so they practically ran to Jaehyun's office. 

Character development???

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Character development???

Oo and thank you for 10k+ reads lovelies

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