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"Listen here lady, I don't know what the fuck are you talking about

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"Listen here lady, I don't know what the fuck are you talking about."

Tied up on a chair in the basement of the Neo headquarters. In the room, Jung Chaerin, Na Jaemin and around 3 people from Neo were there. In the room, trying to get the man to talk. But all he had been doing for the past fifteen minutes is screaming and spitting around.

Unhygienic bitch, Chaerin thought as she stared at the man with utter disgust.

To say that both Chaerin and Jaemin were irritated was an understandment. This man was straight lying through his teeth and what pissed Jaemin more was him talking too much his saliva coming in contact with his hand. The woman sighed as she fished out a metal chain, hanging it from her finger. "Care to explain about this?" She questioned, the man looked at it as his face fell, avoiding eye contact as he answered.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said, making Jaemin more furious than ever. He walked towards the guy, grabbing a fistful of his hair before yanking it back, a hiss coming out of his mouth. "Listen here you piece of crap" he started. " I don't have all day. And neither does anyone in this building. So why don't you quit the crap and start talking before I make you do it" Jaemin pulled out a knife and dragged it down the man's throat, the tip being very close to touching his skin.

"Okay Okay fine I'll tell you." He hissed as the knife came in contact with his skin. He chuckled as he retracted the knife from the man. "Start talking" He hissed

In the Blood Moon headquarters however, is a different story

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In the Blood Moon headquarters however, is a different story.

"Why did you even bring us here in the first place" An unfamiliar male had asked. Both Mark and Haechan were treating the wounds of the two males they had found in the bleeding killers basement and as per Jaehyun's request, the two of them were stuck in the clinic, treating their bruises and cuts.

One of them was a taller male, who was frequently asking questions to the point Haechan was getting infuriated. I mean, I wouldn't blame this man. If I was in his shoes, I would've been asking more questions than this. The tanned male thought. As he was cleaning the supplies, the male had asked another question.

"Wait where's Shotaro?"

Both Mark and Haechan had stopped their movements, causing the male on the clinic bed to look at them with a confusing face, and then a worried expression appeared.

"Is he okay? Is he dead? What happened?" The male's voice boomed into their ears. "Sungchan" Mark gestured, placing a hand onto his shoulders. "He is going to be okay. He suffered more injuries than you did and we are doing everything we can so that he doesn't die. Right now he is in a stable condition but let's pray for the best okay?" Mark said. Sungchan nodded his head, tears brimming out his eyes. "Come on hyuck, let's go. You need to stay and rest here first." Mark gestured to the bed he was sitting on. Turning around, he felt a grip on his wrist. Sungchan who looked at him , worry filling up his entire body. "Pease let him be okay. He's the only one I have." Mark smiled.

"We will"

Yo how is everyone?

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Yo how is everyone?

So finally Sungchan and Shotaro are in the story but I don't know what to do with them.

And as usual SM delayed the MV for NCT2020 but are we even surprised at this point?

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