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Intruders are like periods, they come at the worst times

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Intruders are like periods, they come at the worst times.

Morning came like a breeze. The members had gone out, and some had stayed in the base. Majority of them were asleep, drained out from yesterday's missions. A few of them were in their rooms and Jaehyun was nowhere to be seen.

Chaerin sighed as she loaded her gun, a familiar click resonates the room as she placed the murder weapon into her back pocket. She sharpens her knife, as she turns around, only to be greeted by a sleepy Jaemin.

"The fuck are you doing reloading guns in the kitchen?" He grumbles, grabbing a blue mug from the counter as he goes to the coffee machine. The woman beside him furrows her face in disgust as she glance to the male beside her in disgust.

"You tryna kill yourself or something?" She glares to the four shots of coffee he drinks. The male just smiles as he walks away from the kitchen, making the girl shake her head as she walks to the basement.

The woman sighs, hearing the sounds of painful screams coming from the closed doors to her left. She walked towards the doors, hesitating before reaching her hand out to knock.

The door of the basement flung open, revealing her older sibling. She observes the male, who had a sly look on his face as he looked at her. His knuckles were bleeding, but before she could reach her hand out to him, he walked off.

The door of the basement was slightly ajar, so when she peeked inside, she could make the silhouette of the man from yesterday, unconscious on the chair. His hands were still tied and the cloth that covered his mouth was out, meaning that Jaehyun would've went in and had a little "talk" with the male.

Chaerin guessed that the male was from the bleeding killers, as she had observed the fact that he had a similar tattoo she had seen on Kihyun. So she wasn't really surprised when her brother had told her. She sighed, walking towards the first aid kit box they had always had in their basement, the woman poured out some iodine onto the cotton as she gently wiped the blood of his hands. Jaehyun winced, causing the woman to roll her eyes. "You've taken more than a gunshot. Why are you complaining?" he sighed, wrapping a plaster onto the wound.

"Dad said you need to be there for dinner tonight." He says, causing Chaerin to grip the first aid kit tightly.

"And if I don't?"

"He will wipe out this entire gang and kill the both of us."

"I'll like to see him try."

Dinner was at the Jeong Residence ws quiet

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Dinner was at the Jeong Residence ws quiet. The siblings ate their food in silence, glad that no one had asked them any question. They had one goal in kind and that was to finish their food as fast as possible and get out of there.

"How has your job been, Jae? I know leading the gang is difficult considering the fact that you have a handful with you." Of course, her father was referring to her. She rolled her eyes as she ate more of the mashed potatoes from the side of her plate.

"Actually. It's not difficult. Chaerin here has made everything seem better than it actually was." He replies, grabbing the glass of water from the side table as he drank it. He sees his stepmother, gritting her teeth as she stabs the steak repeatedly, causing both the siblings to hold in their laughter.

There was a knock on the door, perking up the attentions of the four of them. The butler opens the door, revealing a person Chaerin would not want to see right now. He smiles, greeting the parents as he took a seat beside the woman. "I'm sorry for being late." Kihyun says. "I had an emergency meeting to attend to." The woman beside her scoffs, earning the attention of the other family members. She takes another spoonful of the mash potatoes, finding it strangely addicting.

"Was there something you wanted to say young lady?" She hears her stepmother's voice, and she looks towards the male beside her, who had a sly look on his face. "Honey." She begins with a sweet voice, casing both her father and brother to choke on their food. "If you come home so late everyday saying that its an emergency than I surely would not want a husband like you. Imagine the possibilities of you lying. That would be high." She says, smiling at the glare the other gave her.

He yanks her hand up, pulling her out of the dinner table. She sees Jaehyun getting up from her peripheral vision, only to be stopped by his father. "I would like to have a minute with my fiance" He states, dragging her out of the dining area to the garden.

The tea is hot

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The tea is hot

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