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"Get your hands off my woman

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"Get your hands off my woman."

Chaerin sat in silence as Jaemin drove the car. She thought about the words he said, the way he grabbed her hand as he pulled her to the floor that night. The way he held her ever so gently as if it were their last.

She sighed, feeling a headache forming. Rubbing her temples, she looks over, seeing that they had already arrived at the base. So she got out of the car, not wanting to talk to the blue haired male in front of her. Taking heavy steps, she opened the door.

"Hey." Jaemin speaks quietly. She turns around, seeing the male close the door, locking it as well. "I just want to say that I was happy dancing with you." He speaks, swallowing a lump in his throat. "Even is it was part of our mission." He smiles.

"I was happy too." Chaerin says, with a genuine smile. "I'll see you tomorow?" He says. She nods her head as the pair goes their separate ways, hiding the pink tint from the side of their cheeks.

Chaerin quickly walks to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for herself, chugging it in just seconds. She thinks about the events a few hours, how Jaemin smiles at her for the first time, how he gently holds her hand as he leads her to the dance floor. How he told the male to back away from her.

It could just be his antics

Or the mission

Or something more.

"Dont be dumb!" She tells herself.

Renjun had never been so worried in his life

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Renjun had never been so worried in his life.

His pace quickened as he walks back and forth the ward. It's a commotion inside, who knows his sister could be dead by now?

The screenings and the sound of machines getting tangled up isnt helping Renjun un this case at all. Instead, his breath quickens, as he desperately holds onto the side of the wall. He feels tears forming, as he slides down the wall.

"Renjun? Hey Renjun!" He hears someone call his name, but his mind is too occupied. He feels hands grab his, and for a moment, he flinches.

"Renjun, it's me Kun." He hears the familiar sound of the doctor. Looking up at him, more tears pool, causing his vision to blur out. He desperately holds onto him.

"What if she dosent survive ge? I cant do anything without her. Ge please let her be okay." Renjun frantically says, mumbling jumbled out words even he didnt know he was saying.

Desperately, Kun hugs the fragile boy on the ground. He whispers gently, saying that she was going to be okay, and that it will be fine.

Even he didnt know whether she would be.

Oh Damn

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Oh Damn

Anyways happy birthday to me I guess :)

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