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"Jaemin-ah, you're back!"

The young latter was basically crushed into a hug the moment a certain brown haired boy saw him.  Truth to be told, he wanted to go up to his room ever so badly and just fall asleep. It was a long day, especially since he just got out of jail, finding out on the way home that him and Jeno had to go and take a hit nearby.

"Ou-h, h-hey, uh I-" 

"He cant fucking breathe let him go" Jeno's voice boomed in the hallway where they were. As soon as Jungwoo let go, Jaemin was panting.  When he turned around, he excused himself to go up to his room, which Jeno fairly agreed, looking at the tired boy.

Jaemin entered his room with a nostalgic feeling. Whenever they did not have any missions, Jaemin was always in his room. The grey walls of his room were faded now, leaving a light grey color on his wall. He was too tired to pick up a brush and paint his room. With a loud sigh he walked over to his bed, his fingers brushing onto something ever so familiar. 

It was a picture of the young Jaemin with his mother and a teddy bear he had won on their trip to the amusement park. Jaemin smiled, remembering his mother. The woman passed on when he was only sixteen, leaving him with the Neos, and his abusive father. Around two years later, Jaemin had found out that it was his father that killed his mother, and so he shot a bullet through his heart and was sentenced to jail. 

His grip tightened on the picture frame as he reminences about the past events. He took a look at the picture one last time before placing back the picture frame on his bedside table. he lied on his back on his bed, missing the softness of the material beneath him. With a loud yawn, the man closed his eyes and fell asleep. 

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The door of Jeong Yoonmin's office opened, as a tall young man entered. He bowed to the man before him, before taking a seat at on the leather couch in front of him. 

"I don't get it." Yoomin started. "That daughter of mine isn't willing to marry you. No matter how much I try, how much things I have given her, she is being a stubborn bitch as always" Yoomin said. The side door of his office opened as his wife- or should I say Chaerin's stepmother came in with two cups and a pot of tea. "That girl is as useless as always. Why don't you as Jaehyun instead?" She asked, a smirk growing on her face as she thinks of him.

Chaerin's stepmother, Aera, was never fond of the lady. She had always made ways for her husband to hate her, from accusing her of breaking his favorite vase, to treating her like a maid. Even so, when Jaehyun had ran away once, Aera blamed her, when it was her fault that the other ran. She, however, was very fond of Jaehyun, its simple. Jaehyun was a kind man, and handsome too. A person like him, she once told Chaerin would be able to lead instead of a pathetic woman like you. "He would be carrying the Jung's family name and what about you?" she said to the 14 year old girl crying , "you would be a useless weakling." 

"Jaehyun already had a job. Chaerin doesn't" Of course, they knew Chaerin had a place in the mafia but they wanted her out. Out from the mafia and take over the business. They knew she couldn't. But when it comes to the Jeong family, nothing is impossible.  Aera's face fell. It was obvious for a fact that she did not like the idea of her daughter leading. Her hands formed a fist yet she tried to keep herself cool.

Yoo Kihyun siped the cup of tea in front of him. The latter had somewhere to be, and the man in front of him wasn't making it any better by staring at the teacup in front of him. He stood up, startling Yoomin. "I appreciate everything, I will try talking to her. For now, I have to go somewhere. Enjoy your evening" He smiled,  walking out the room.

The moment he closed the door of the office, he took his phone out, dialed a number, an evil grin forming as he heard someone from the other line speak.

"Track the location of Jung Chaerin"

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