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"Okay. So here we go" Taeyong breathe out as he opened a slide on the board. Everything to know about the Bleeding Killers. They were all seated in one of the meeting rooms. Two bodyguards by the door, while Neo sat opposite Blood Moon on a long table.

"For starters, We do not know these people. They were a unknown gang to us. We never heard of them, nor have we seen them until late last year when they attack Nakamoto." One of Neo's man, Huang Renjun spoke.

Nakamoto Yuta was neo's greatest sniper. The attack between the Bleeding Killers and Nakamoto on a Sunday night when he was walking to a convenience store when all of a sudden he got kidnapped. 48 hours of torture and the man was almost paralyzed for life.

"We do not know anyone afflicted in the gang. These people are good at hiding their identity as they do their work with mask on everytime. For now, all we know is that their greatest assasin is Yoo Kihyun." Renjun spoke once more. Chaerin's whole body tensed up as she felt goosebumps around her body. Jaehyun glanced at her for a while, making sure she was okay before turning his attention back to Renjun.

"Wait, how are we suppose to know who is part of the Bleeding Killers. We barely know this man only by his name. What about the rest?" Lucas said.  Taeyong sighed as he took his glasses off. "Lucas is right. We dont know anyone except for this man. We cannot trust anyone except for out team and yours. From now on, everyone is an enemy."

           ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"I didn't know you smoke" 

Charin turned around, meeting a certain Thai. She smiled as she took another puff of the ciggarate as she glared at him with a smirk. "Well, now you know." She said before turning her back. 

Apparently this man had not understood that she had wanted personal space as he sat Infront of her. "I don't bite you know." He smirked.

Chaerin smirked before turning her head to his direction, blowing the puff from her mouth to his face, startling him. The male mentally cursed as Chaerin threw the cigarette into an acrylic ashtray.

"Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul Ten" She glared. He widened his eyes "H-how did you-" " I always do research about the people before I work with someone. She stated and walked away.

 She stated and walked away

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