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"You seem a bit lost. Are you okay?"

Soojin asked while we are walking on the hallway. I slowly nod and gave her a small smile. What Haewons's father said won't get out of my mind. She change because of pain not fame? Auntie Iseul was gone?

"She's gone." I said and stopped infront of a room, my vision is getting blurry. Soojin hugged when she saw me crying.

"Shh, don't cry. I'm here for you. It's going to be fine, not now but soon." She said while stroking my hair to calm me down. I let out some sobs and wiped my tear with the handkerchief that she gave me.

"Aunt Isuel was gone." I said trying not to stutter. She froze on her spot while eyes widen. I know she's close to crying but she managed not to.

She smiled at me when we calmed. Haewons's mom is a very caring and loving. I admire her so much, she's like my second mother.

Someone called me so I turn my gaze to that person.

"Can I drive you home?" He asked.

"Uh, I'm sorry but I'm going with Jin. We're going to the mall. " His eyes became glossy, I remembered that he's sensitive. He doesn't like rejections too.

"Don't be sad, okay? I'll let you drive me home next time." his face glow so I chuckled.

"Can I just join the two of you? I'll just follow your car, yeah?" He asked Soojin. She nodded and they smiled at each other.

We went to the parking lot and Soojin drove to the mall near our school. Jimin followed us with a Mercedes Benz.

"Where will we eat? I'm starving." Jimin growled and the 3 of us laughed. We went to a famous restaurant. We ordered a bucket of fried chicken and a pizza. I don't think that we can finish our food because it's too much.

I saw two familiar persons while I'm playing Street Fighter with Jimin. They are far from us. I look closely but Jimin interrupted.

"Who's that?" Jimin asked. I looked at him and shook my head. I looked back where I saw two figures but they weren't there anymore so I turn my attention back to the game. I won against the both of them so they need to treat me lunch tomorrow at school.

"That was fun!" I exclaimed and hugged the both of them.

"Yeah, yeah, it is.. except the thing that we always loose." Jin sarcastically said and I chuckled.

"Where are we going now?" Jimin asked. This guy are full of questions.

"I don't kno-," I got cut off by Jin.

"Guys, I need to go. We have a family dinner." She panicked and we just laughed at her. "Jimin, please drive Heiran home. Thank you and sorry!" Jin yelled as she walked away.

"So let's go?" I nod.

I gave him the direction and he got shocked when we arrived. "This is your house?"

"Yeah, why?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Is your father from KD Film Company. No, Is he the owner of that Company?" I nodded. "Mr. Lee Hee Jun right?"

How did he know? He didn't met my dad when we were in Busan. My dad was workaholic since I was a kid. I gave him a confused look by raising my left brow.

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