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"What's your plan for Christmas, babe?"

He asked as he snakes his arms around me. We are on the group's penthouse.

"Uhm, I don't know yet. But I want to spend Christmas with you." I smiled at him widely.

"Out of the country?" He asked again.

I just whispered 'Its up to you' and hugged him. What my mom said suddenly popped into my mind.

Love is Dangerous.

I know that Jungkook won't hurt me if he would, I will cut his dick off, jk. I didn't realise that I already fell asleep on his arms.

"Saranghae Jagiya. (I love you, honey.)" I heard him whispered and felt something that touched my forehead.

I woke up when I felt a heavy hand on my waist. We are still at the same position. I felt uncomfortable not because of the position, it's because the other boys are staring at us while smirking. I blushed and immediately looked away.

"You're dating?" Jin Oppa asked and I nod. They shouted like basketball players that won the championship. The noise woke Jungkook up.

"YAH! WHY ARE YOU YELLING? CAN'T YOU SEE I'M SLEEP-," I cut him off by putting my hand on his lips.

We went to his room to continue sleeping. To br honest, I'm still sleepy even though we slept for 5 hours already. I layed on the right side of his bed and Jungkook on the left. He pulled my arm to pull me closer to him.

"Why are you so far from me? I hate it." he mumbles. I just chuckled and faced him. He hugged me and I leaned my head to his chest. I sniffed his manly scent, I'm dying just to smell it.

"Let's sleep, Jagiya." And with that, we drift to sleep again.

We didn't have dinner so we're starving when we woke up. We decided to go to the Cafeteria nearby to have breakfast.

"Are you okay babe? You seem a bit lost." his face looked worried. I just smile to assure him that I'm fine even though, I'm not.

I got scared, it's bothering me. What if he cheated on me? What if he hurt me? What if he doesn't love me? What if he is just playing with my feelings?

"Do you want to go shopping?" I just nod, at least with that, I can forgot what I am thinking even for a mean time.

We went to many branded shops. He bought a jacket from Gucci for himself. Jungkook also bought a Victoria's Secret perfume.

"Do you want that?" That's what he always ask when I check into things. While me, just shaking my head and walking away.

"Let's go, Oppa." I teased him. I'm surprised that he's just laughing at me.

I checked my phone because it vibrated. I got a message from Haewon that made me weak.

From : Haewon

Help, I need someone rn.

I run inside the house to get my keys. I just got home and Jungkook already left.

I drive there as fast as I could. I don't if the cops will arrest me, my friend needs me. I immediately knock on Haewons's apartment's door and she opened the door with tears. I immediately hugged her and asked what happened.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.." someone sing at the back. The lights opened and it revealed our friends, Jungkook is here too.

"Happy birthday, Jagiya." he said holding a cake infront me. I blow the candle and burst into tears.

"I f-forgot that today is m-my b-birthday. T-Thank you guys, I love you a-all." I said and cry to Jungkooks chest. It's tears of joy.

I saw a bunch of gifts on a table. I'm happy but I don't need that, they are enough for me.

This is one of the best day for me. They made my day special. I opened the gifts.

Jungkook's gift was the best, It was a necklace with a picture of us on the middle. He photobombed my picture on the mountain in Jeju. He was on the back. There is a label with 'Right Person' infront and 'Mrs. Jeon' at the back.

Jungkook drive us to his condo unit. We will sleep there since it's just near Haewons's apartment. We bought some shirts from the mall nearby.

"Love?" I just hummed in response. I'm busy watching a K-Drama that my father made.

"Can you promise me one thing?"
He asked, I took my attention to him and pause the television.

"What is it?"

"If something happens that can break our relationship, believe that we're meant for each other so please fight for us."

Jungkook shows his long pinky finger. Without thinking twice, you immediately intertwined your pinky with his. He kissed your forehead lovingly.

"I love you, Jagiya."

"I love you too."

"Don't say 'too'. It's like you're just saying it for the sake of replying."

"I love you." I corrected as he kiss the tip of my nose.

'Please don't do something that will break us, Mr. Right.' I thought.


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