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tw: strong and inappropriate words

"Hey, enough of the drama. Stop crying, okay? You're uglier when you cry."

I called her to comfort me but she just made everything worse. I glared at her while drinking the beer I got from the mini bar downstairs.

"Can you please be nice to me for once? I wasn't like that when you were heartbroken." I started to cry when I remembered what happened. I'm getting drunk, but I don't care. I have many problems right now.

"Who is he to hurt you? Ah, I know who is he, he's an asshole! I want to kill him with my bare hands!" Soojin shouted angrily while I'm crying on my bed. Woah! Her emotions changes that easy, how moody!

I disturb Soojin, she supposed to be in a celebrating Christmas with her family. I wiped my tears before standing up.

"I think you should go now to home now. I'm going to be fine here." I said between sobs. I pushed her to the door.

"How can I leave you here? You look like a mess. Look at yo—," Jin didn't finished her words because I already closed the door.

I threw myself on the bed and start crying again. I stared at the ceiling and started overthinking. Why can I just die here? Many things happened in just a month. Sushi and Eomma died because of an accident. Jungkook cheated on me with Chinsun. My grades are getting low.

I heard a knock from the door after some minutes. I stare at it for a moment before opening it. I got shocked when I saw Jungkook standing infront of me.

He hugged me tight. "Let go of me, cheater!"

"Please let me explain, baby." I tried to push him away but he is way stronger than me. He didn't even care about the smell of the beer.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" I cursed repeatedly as my vision starts to get blurry because of the my tears falling nonstop.

"Let me explain, love." I saw his eyes started to water from tears.

"I thought being with you is the best decision that I ever made. I thought we will have a happy endin—," He cut me off.

"We will have a happy ending, because you're the right person." He said using a low voice.

"Fuck that right person! You're not the right person! Because if you are, you wouldn't do anything that will hurt me." I step backwards and lean against the wall.

"I can never hurt you, Heiran."

"You already did!" My voice cracked.

I want to throw everything on my room, It hurts damn much.
I felt like there are knives stabbing my heart.

"Let me explain, please hear me out love." He pleaded as I walk to the corner of my bed.

"Let you explain? I already saw everything with my own fucking eyes, Jungkook. I don't need your bullshits!" I cry harder, I didn't saw myself in this situation with him.

Jungkook tried to walk infront of me but he stopped himself when he saw my situation. I sit on my bed while looking at me. I looked down and cry harder.

I looked at him again but I immediately looked away. "Fuck you! Looking at you make me feel disgusted!" I shouted, looking down.

He kneel infront of me while holding my wrist. I yanked it away but he kept on holding it.

"Damn it! I love you damn much! How can you do this to me?" My chest hurts, when will this pain going to end?

"I love you." He said with a shaking voice.

"You love me? Where are you when I was on a break down? Where are you when I'm mourning ober my dog and mom's death? You are nowhere to be seen! Is that what you call love?"

He pursed his lips while letting his tears fall down to his cheeks. How can he pretend that he was in pain? How can he act like he love me even though he don't?

"Please leave." He didn't move when I pushed him and asked him to leave.

"Leave!" I shouted causing him look at me with teary eyes.

"You're just tired love. We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" He tried to kiss my forehead but I stepped backward and dodge.

Jungkook left me standing here while crying. When will this tears stop from falling? I hate it. I'm so tired of crying.

I woke up with a puffy eyes, I'm used to it. My eyes hurt from crying everynight. I saw my dad eating breakfast on the dining table, his eyes are also puffy.

"Morning, honey." He gave me a small smile. "How are you?"

"I'm fine but I'm still recovering on mom's death." I also gave him a small smile and started eating. We are now on good terms but he still wants me to study abroad.

I often see Jungkook outside our house but I always ignore him. Sometimes I will ask one of our maids to ask him to leave. I'm not ready to talk about everything, I guess.

I woke up early because it's the first day of school on this year. I text Jimin to pick me because I know Jungkook will be outside again. When I heard a honk, I saw two cars infront of my house. A black Hyundai and a white Volkswagen. I pick the black one, it's Jimin's.

When I was on the gate, I saw Jungkook with Taehyung on the gate. Why is he involving Taehyung to our problem?

Jungkook approached me but I ignored him. He just stopped following me when I entered the girl's restroom.

I saw Jimin walking with Taehyung through the hallway. She greeted me and I greeted back. Jin hugged me and muttered some words to comfort me.

When the bell rang, I walk to our classroom.  Haewon greeted me with a tight hug. They looked like they didn't know what happened with me and Jungkook. I didn't open up because I don't want to share my problems with other people. I also don't want to stress them.

Jungkook was staring me the whole time, I just rolled my eyes when our eyes met. I'm glad that school ended fast, our teachers went on a meeting to talk about our graduation.

Jungkook followed me on our house. Where do he get his strength to face me? How dare he?

"Can't you please leave me alone?" I asked him, irritated.

He looked at me with teary eyes before sarcastically chuckling. "You're not that harsh, you already changed."

"I didn't change, Jungkook. You changed me." I left him dumbfounded infront of my house.


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