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"Come in."

I opened the door widely. He smiles before going inside.

"Where can I put this?" Jungkook ask and lift the food. I point the dining room and he walked there. I put the things that I bought earlier on the couch. I sighed before going to where he is.

Jungkook is putting the food out of the paper bag. When I arrive there, he gave me a small smile.

"Let's eat?" I nod and sit beside him. He was looking at me like he wants to say something.

"Mind if you spill the tea?" I ask while raising my right brow.

"Do you really think that I'm that kind of person? On your tone earlier, it's like that I really did something wrong."

"You did something wrong. It's a public place, gosh. If you want to fuck, then go somewhere else, but not in the freaking bookstore." I said looking at the wall avoiding an eye contact.

He sighed and just got his Shake shake fries. He put the fries on the paper bag thingy and put some cheese powder. He starts to shake it and take a glance at me every five seconds.

"Hey, I didn't want to make you feel bad but. My point is just.. You guys are in public, someone might saw you and it may be the schools topi-," I didn't complete my words because he cut me off.

"There's nothing between me and Chinsun. We're not kissing, she kissed me but I didn't kissed back." Jungkook said making me feel bad because of what I said earlier. I just overthink, I guess?

"I'm sorry, Jungkook." I apologized, looking down.

"You don't have to."

"Okay, as you said so. Let's change topic."

"Hmmm, What course will you study?" I asked.

"I can't decide yet. What about you?"

"Director, maybe KAFA (Korean Academy of Film Arts) or SOPA (School of Performing Arts-Seoul). But the real plan was to Harvard or Yale. That was what my dad want."

"You will leave after graduation?" He asked, furrowing lightly.

"Yeah, that was already planned."

"But I'm not 100% interested in Film, my dream was really to be a chef."

"Waeyo? (Why?), Are you good at cooking?" he asked and stared at me for 3 seconds.

"Maybe, it depends on the person who will eat the food."

"Cook for me." He said without hesitation.

"Maybe next time. I'm not in the mood." he chuckled.

"So now, it depends on your mood?" I nod and we both laughed.

We finished eating and I cleaned the table. Jungkook went to the living room.

"I think it's boring here." he said as I sit the couch.

"Yeah it is. I don't have anyone to talk with. My parents always go left after we eat breakfast and always go home late.. I don't have a sibling tho."

He checked his watch and nod.
"I need to go home Heiran. It's already 7 pm." Jungkook said as he stood up.

"Yeah, let me walk you to your car." he nod.

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